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Laughing Through IMs

You know those times when you are sad or out of it, say something dumb and then give that little chuckle to play it off? Look at your IM convos and or look at away messages, people are doing it there too!

They will be like, "awwww I have nowhere to go, its mainly because im a loser have no friends LOL" <<> has been the staple of online conversations. I honestly do not think there has been a convo without the use of LOL online. It is of course a lie most of the time. You know you are not LOLing. No, you are just trying to pass the time, trying to get someone to the point, or maybe you were looking at porn online and someone was interrupting you and that was the only letters u could reach. LOL! (see, good use when something makes you laugh).

The next level of laughing through an IM is LMAO! This is "Laughing My Ass Off" are you really laughing your ass off? Can you laugh an ass off? Imagine that as an exercise, the LMAO moves. It would be more popular then the Buns of Steal movement. However for those of you who wish to use this saying, only use it when it something beyond hilarious or if you said something you think is funny and want to make sure you at least get an LOL response.

However what I enjoy most of online communication is the fact that people are so open on it. The biggest part is their sense of humor. I say test people. Send them pictures of thins and see how they react.

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/06/2005 09:17:00 AM,


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Coach Ryan

Ryan is twenty seven years old and recently married. Him and his wife are expecting their first child in May. One of his current jobs is as a personal trainer. He also volnteers as a youth football head coach, the players are 8-11 yrs old.

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