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When Advice Doesn't Pertain To Adults?

I was on my way home from a football coaching clinic with my assistant coach and we came to talking about the possible obstacles we will face this year. Mainly because we are going to be using an offense that is as old as organized football itself. It is so old its new, kind of like trends today. Parents today are laughing because the styles they grew up with are now making a come back and their kids think its a whole new trend.

We got to talking about how we would deal with the naysayers. Then it hit me as I was explaining that I wasn't going to listen to hypocrites. Now, not saying hypocrite as an insult, but as describing how what they preach is not how they act.

As coaches, we tell kids that saying "I Can't" is not acceptable. How can you say you cannot do something unless try? We tell kids to be positive and to keep trying. Do you tell a player who fell down to stop trying because they did not succeed? No, we tell them to keep trying and learning from their mistakes. Why is it different with adults?

You see we are facing the dilemma of people telling us it cannot be done. It is too hard for the kids to learn. It will be difficult for kids to do certain things. However we have videos of kids younger doing these things, kids older, smaller, bigger, slower and faster. It is proven to be OK for their age level and yet, we can't do it.

For anyone who has ever dealt with me, coached with me, in same organization serving on the same boards as myself, you know that people who tell me I cannot do something only adds fuel to my fire to prove you wrong. I try to lead by example with my players. I never say can't, I will not let them say can't. I simply tell them they found a bunch of ways not to do something.

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posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/05/2007 10:00:00 AM,


At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true.
Kids learn more by what we do than what we tell them to do.

At 6:12 PM, Blogger Wally Banners said...

Great article I kandt even spell kandt :)

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Bobby said...

what, are y'all running the wing-t or something?


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Coach Ryan

Ryan is twenty seven years old and recently married. Him and his wife are expecting their first child in May. One of his current jobs is as a personal trainer. He also volnteers as a youth football head coach, the players are 8-11 yrs old.

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