LOST... Yeah I'm a bit of a fan
December 08, 2005
For others who are fans, I wanted to just post 2 things here from the re-peat last night of "everyone hates hugo" and from the last new episode "what did kate do?".
Here is is where Hurley is in the hatch drinking from the carton. Does the boy on the "Missing" look familiar? It appears to be Walt. (i blew up the picture, cleaned out the darkness and tried to fix the focus)
This second one is when Kate was going into see her father who is in the military. We now works in a recruiting office. As Kate walks in, you can see Syiad in the background on the TV.
We still need to learn more about Eko, which should be coming soon in episodes. Theory is he is Nigerian, and we will find out that he somehow is connected to the Nigerian drug trafficing plane that Boone died at.
Will be interesting to see what happens with the Losties find the other 4 stations on the island. I make a bet that one station is underwater.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/08/2005 01:06:00 PM,
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