O Where O Where Is My Money?
December 12, 2005

It seriously feels that lately, no matter how much I budget, how much I do not spend, I do not have any money! Main culprit is my car. In a months time, it is back in the shop and now will cost me a lil over $1,000. Just like the last time it was in the shop. This time it is the entire muffler system. Go figure.
I seriously am becoming stressed to the point of just giving up. Seems like no matter what I do to correct the situation, it only gets worse. I am beginning to think that my crazy idea of a second job may not be so crazy. I mean I am finally getting my raise I have been fighting for, for a year now. However, I have made huge sacrifices to try and get back in the black and out of the red.
- Shut down any site that is costing me
- Only go out 1 night a week
- Put Semi-Pro team on hold
- No personal spending on "luxury" items
- Keep trying to lower Student Loan Costs
Those are just a few from my list I created for myself. Basically, I have to stop living for a while. However, still, life happens and things you don't expect, kill you. Like this car. This has all happened right in Christmas time. I have yet you buy a single gift yet. Not because im lazy, but because I have to work paycheck to paycheck now.
I think what seriously stresses me the most is the fact, that yeah I may live at home, I do pay every bill that is in my name, which is everything but the house, however I wonder how if I cannot survive now, how will I when alone? It is really annoying. To think, I would be up $2000 in my account and then my X-mas bonus will put me over 3-4K in my account. However now, I can barely pay my bills and my bonus will be going to pay for this fucking car again. I swear I am fucking cursed.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/12/2005 08:36:00 AM,
The Author
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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