So Going To Try Online Dating?
October 11, 2006
It is that time of year again. I find that many people who are single are on that mission., to find that someone. Usually it comes right after weddings when people look at people in love and think, "I want to be that way... hmmm who is single here" or worse they go to a wedding and realize, "holy crap I'm at the singles table, these people are scary!"
So in this search, people will take on the blind dates, which almost always ends with you losing your friendship with the person who set you up with the complete ass or loser. You wonder, "what did I ever do to you to deserve that date?" Others will try to go to the bars and use their best pick-up lines in hopes of not being laughed at or finding that one person who has the significant other. "hey do you work for ups? Because I saw you checking out my package."
Then there are the people who will try online dating. Yes, this once taboo form of meeting people has now become something more normal and accepted. I did my senior thesis on the difference in communication with people meeting online vs in a bar. In a bar you usually have an average of 5 seconds to get the persons attention and make an impression. Then your conversation will be scripted, greeting, name, what do you do, number. It is that quick on average, some people will be able to get a longer convo, however if your a guy and you went up to a girl with a group of friends, they blocker for the night will make sure you are pushed away fast. Online dating you have the ability to just click the X out on someone. But can stalk the hell out of them if they give you a SN. LOL
The thing with online communication, people will share almost anything about themselves, which gives you the ability to learn more about the person. However if you meet online, within 1 week you should move to phone. Then work on meeting in person. This is usually in a public place where people know where you will be for the night. From that first date, it is the same as any other person, but you might know more about them.

Now, why move to the phone in a week? After a weeks time you could fall into the "friend zone" or create online communication as your main form.
I say do whatever works for you in finding someone. However as everyone says and its the worst possible saying in the world to someone single, when your not looking, someone will come.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 10/11/2006 10:47:00 AM,
- At 12:56 PM, said...
when your not looking, someone will come
I absolutely hate this line. how can you not look when you're single? i mean, you really can't help it, because everyone around has someone. especially in my campus. it's like the breeding ground of couples. argh. sometimes it's great to be single, but most of the time, it's depressing me. haha. - At 9:03 PM, laanba said...
Haha.... Phoenix Patouche took the words right out of my mouth. I hate that line too because it is impossible to not look.
You can try not dwelling on it, but looking is ingrained especially for the single.
That's a great comic by the way. I'm much more comfortable behind the computer screen and get nervous when meeting new people, so that would be perfect for me! :-) - At 4:29 PM, apples said...
I decided to try online dating this summer. At first it was mostly "let's meet and roll around in the hay for a while". I met a few... strange guys, and a few I liked.
Then I was going to meet one I'd almost not talked to at all, we met at a museum and now he's my first boyfriend ever, and the most normal guy I've ever met.
After a decade online I've realized that the net is just easier than real life. It's not better. It's not even close.
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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