November 30, 2007

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 11/30/2007 11:20:00 AM,
12 Weeks To Ultimate Gift To Self
I decided on Monday that I would do what I did a year ago. Take over my health and do it to another level. I am giving myself 12 weeks to get to where I was when I was training for a mini-triathlon
Now I may be a trainer and I may run the best fitness bootcamp in central jersey, but it is a fact, most trainers do not focus on themselves. Time is hard, so I have programmed a workout that should not take more then 30 min a day and putting it to the test.
So far, week 1 has been a minor challenge (bootcampers would love it!).
After this week is through I will post the workout and if the interest is there, I will give you ther workouts in advance and you can do them as I do.
Labels: fitness
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 11/30/2007 11:08:00 AM,
A Win Win Situation
August 31, 2007
I mentioned last week that we had a game coming up. Well we won 12-0, you would think my coaches and I would be happy, but we made mistakes left and right. It should had been 30-0 easy.
Defense was solid with gang tackling, however we had some arm tackling issues. this has been corrected.
So we won, which is good, but we as coaches were harder on the kids this week, because we need them to see that just because you get one win, does not mean you can let up, actually its the opposite, you need to work harder, so it is with life.
Want to know why kids are disrespectful, fat and declining in general? Their parents. Complete and total waste of being a role model. I have kids missing practice without telling me or another coach, parents who just bring them late because they didn't care. Kids eating crap before and after games and practices when as an athlete at any level you need to feed your body good food. These parents do not show these kids the right way. I have kids who think it is OK to just not show up and not let anyone know, show me one corporation in the world who allows this and Ill show you a company that is going to lose tons of money.
So I teach them. I do not play them. I tell them they show up to the games and support their teammates and when they learn that not coming to practice not only hurts the team but could hurt themselves and shows lack of respect for coaches and teammates, then I will play them again. So far have had to suspend 2 players this seasons. Only suspended 1 last season at the end of the season.
We have a game Saturday at 4:30 pm. Should be a good one. I will update again
Labels: football
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/31/2007 09:34:00 AM,
1 Practice and 3 Days Away
August 24, 2007
I know I have no updated since oooooo June. Well I have found myself thinking more and more that on my way from running Bootcamp at 6:30 am and going to my other full time job, that I find myself reflecting on what is going in my life or it just time to process the events of the day before.
You do not know how much a player you coach wants to make you happy or please you until you see them cry because they could not do something right in PRACTICE. I took a step back after working with my field goal kicker who is 11 years old. He has the foot to do it and nailed 9 of 10 field goals from extra point range, which is highly impressive. However last night he made only 3 of about 15. I started to get frustrated, because having a kicker for extra point in a game could give us 2 points instead of 1.
Side note: in Pop Warner if you go through 2 overtimes still tied, your team is forced to try to kick an extra point for every time you score. Last yr the championship game between 2 teams went for 5 overtimes and had to be continued into another day. So you see the importance.
Well I could see my player's eyes watering up and we talked, explaining it is only practice and it is OK to miss, but I needed him to focus. Usually this is when I find myself taking my own advice, perhaps I am just giving the advice to my players because I know it is what I should be doing.
With our game coming up against a team we beat 33-6 last year, we are not treating them lightly. We know they want revenge, however I hate to tell them, that after we scrimmaged 2 teams from conferences bigger and stronger then ours and we basically embarrassed their teams, they better bring their A game plus more.
As for personal life, Evan is growing to be a major cutie. Definitely my son, knows how to flirt already, knows how to make dad proud. hahaha.
My business is growing nicely Local paper picked us up. you can read it here:
With the new business I have found myself starting to add Team Building and Motivational Speaking/Coaching opportunities. Should be a fun ride. I will update on how the team did on Monday, I just hope my teams comes together like did for the scrimmages, because last night's practice was a C+ at best.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/24/2007 07:54:00 AM,
We Are All Winners
June 20, 2007

Labels: family
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 6/20/2007 10:12:00 AM,
When Advice Doesn't Pertain To Adults?
March 05, 2007
I was on my way home from a football coaching clinic with my assistant coach and we came to talking about the possible obstacles we will face this year. Mainly because we are going to be using an offense that is as old as organized football itself. It is so old its new, kind of like trends today. Parents today are laughing because the styles they grew up with are now making a come back and their kids think its a whole new trend.
We got to talking about how we would deal with the naysayers. Then it hit me as I was explaining that I wasn't going to listen to hypocrites. Now, not saying hypocrite as an insult, but as describing how what they preach is not how they act.
As coaches, we tell kids that saying "I Can't" is not acceptable. How can you say you cannot do something unless try? We tell kids to be positive and to keep trying. Do you tell a player who fell down to stop trying because they did not succeed? No, we tell them to keep trying and learning from their mistakes. Why is it different with adults?
You see we are facing the dilemma of people telling us it cannot be done. It is too hard for the kids to learn. It will be difficult for kids to do certain things. However we have videos of kids younger doing these things, kids older, smaller, bigger, slower and faster. It is proven to be OK for their age level and yet, we can't do it.
For anyone who has ever dealt with me, coached with me, in same organization serving on the same boards as myself, you know that people who tell me I cannot do something only adds fuel to my fire to prove you wrong. I try to lead by example with my players. I never say can't, I will not let them say can't. I simply tell them they found a bunch of ways not to do something.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/05/2007 10:00:00 AM,
Future Player In the Making
March 01, 2007
Here are some of the first pics of the new player to my team.

and Proof its a HE!

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/01/2007 08:11:00 AM,
Time is My Enemy
February 22, 2007
You know how people always talk about there not being enough hours in the day? Well this concept has become more apparent in the past couple of weeks.
I have my full-time job from 7am - 4pm, then I usually work out or I train clients (Mondays & Fridays) or I am running my fitness boot camp til about 7pm (Tues and Thurs), work on the gym floor and train clients in same night until 9pm (weds). Saturday mornings I work at one gym til 10am and then run to another gym to train a client at 11. Then after all that I have some time to spend with my wife.
Now to add to this, I try to do some work on football in preparation for the upcoming season. Since coaching is a year round job and I want to become as educated as possible and a higher qualified coach for the future, I attend clinics when I can. Yet more time off the personal time clock.
So as with anything I am managing the clock even better then before. I am not going to be working at the gym on wed nights (if all goes well on interview today) however I may be at a hospital being a part of their obese children program. Which is not only a great opportunity, but a step in the direction to where I am thinking about going in the future. A future I was once working towards, just with a new subject.
I am looking into the possibility of getting my teaching certification and possibly doing physical education (I have the background, but I know this is a dime a dozen major). However it would also take more time away from me and my growing family. It may mean having to give up hours training and focus on the the bigger goal. Who knows, its still all on the drawing board right now.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/22/2007 08:14:00 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.