What a Night... The Wedding
December 18, 2006

Well it is now a week from the wedding and I figured I would give some updates, pictures and a few good stories! Let me preface this post by thanking my mother for all the hard work, organization and keeping Dori and I grounded through this whole process. She was the backbone for our special day/night. Also my Aunt Carol for all the support and behind the scenes work, especially with the deals on hotel, limo and other areas.
Now whoever said grooms are not involved with weddings can kiss my ass. I was up at 6am the day of, running around with my mother getting last minute items, the flowers and going to the hall to set up decorations. We went to pick up Dori's bouquet and it was horrific. So before we went to pick up Dan to help set up hall, we had to do some crisis thinking and get it fixed as best as possible. Luckily a place in our home town who did all my prom flowers and my father's funeral took on the job and saved the day.
Darryl, my best man came to my house around 2pm and it all started. Preparation to cliff dive without a parachute and kill my single life. Sharing old stories, joking around and an hour later, I was on my way to the hotel. Dan and Lindsey were there to help me clear out my car and set up the suite for Dori to get ready. BTW it was great to finally meet Lindsey in person.
So the only time I think I got nervous the entire week, night, hour was when the DJ was not in the room 30 min before the guests arrived. That is the only time sweat fell down. The only time I think I shed a tear was when I lit the memorial candle for my father and looked at his picture, wishing he was there in person, but knowing he was there in spirit helped.
Here are some photos to help with the night.

My Brother Takes Over Bridal Suite Bar

Everyone Starting To Feel It In the Suite

The Girls
For fun and to continue to be unpredictable, my friends should have known I would get them. I even warned them that at the wedding, I was going to get them. Well for fun, I had the DJ bring props for the groomsmen to wear and then lead the room in the YMCA. (I will post Video of it later *its kind of dark)*** UPDATE~ Here is the video
Then Dori went in and stole my brothers Hat.

Then in true entertainment fashion, the entire bridal party was up front for the room of people laughing their asses at us.

Next Morning having breakfast. Dori got us hats in case people could not remember who we were without our costumes on.
*Thank you Lindsey for these photos! To See Her Wedding Album for us, go here (more drunken photos, Dori and I and random photos. Was a fun night) More updates to come
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/18/2006 08:34:00 AM,
Single Life Break Up
December 07, 2006
Dear Single Life,
Well I am writting to bring you some bad news. I know you saw it coming, and I want you to know up front, its not you, its me. We are going to have to end this relationship I have thoroughly enjoyed for over 20 yrs. I know you will be perfect for some other guy who will truly appreciate everything you have to offer. However I have to move on and have found something different and better.
I will miss the ability to flirt with any girl at any time, the ability to be at a bar use my eyes to my advantage for some girl to try to hit on me and buy me a drink (always loved that role reversal). We had a fun run together. I will not deny that I will miss the days where there was no commitment and that is something special that came with you.
Well, its only 2 days away from my wedding day and it will be the time I will have to cut of all communication with you. Sorry, but it is for the better. If you want, I could help set you up with someone, I know some people who are having a hard time and their single life sucks. I'll hook ya up. I hope you do not take this offensively, but I hope we never meet again. =)
Oh and BTW, remember all those things that happened together and the stories we never shared? Let's keep that between you and me, OK?
Best of Luck
Labels: life
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/07/2006 08:18:00 AM,
We Are Our Past
December 01, 2006
Some people live by the saying "it is what you do that defines you." I go by, "you are your past" that defines you."
See, I believe who you are now is from the people and experiences you have gone through in life. The good, the bad and most definitely the ugly sides of our self. From my own life experiences I can say that I can look back and know where I came from and learned from what mistakes I have made.
The most defining years of my life where from age 16-18. Some of the hardest and most trivial times in my life to date. It was December 1996 that my father passed away and I was left wondering what my role was. It was Feb 1997 that I met someone who really kept me grounded and focused and helped me more then they ever knew. It was then that I got my sense of a "real relationship" and to see someone who cared for me and showed me it was OK to be myself. Not only did this person open my eyes to relationships but she did so in making sure I didn't give up and pushed me, especially in times I felt like giving up. I also learned that in Sept- Dec 1997 that I should have sucked it up and made the trip to her college to visit her. LOL
But in those defining years, lead me to be where I am today. She was that measuring stick to anyone I would date later and I eventually found someone who could measure up. Dori would eventually become a student in ways, where I could pass on what I learned, but I learned from teaching along the ways. About communication, the troubles with dealing with a lot of outside influences and making time in my busy life.
But in the middle of all these relationships were my friends and the people I met in classes. Professors who didn't give up on me and of course my family.
In Circle K I learned some valuable lessons. I would rather serve and volunteer then take any position in power again. Though I do not regret my positions and making the changes and decisions I made, because I know they were right during my time there, I do not want to waste time in battles of egos. I look around and I see many who are still friends and I am happy for them, but I remember the words whispered behind their backs, so I wonder, do those thoughts just get thrown away? Because that is not who I am. But CKI brought me in touch with some of the most amazing people in the US and abroad. To list a few: Dan, Erin, Bobby S., Matt, Jill, Lindsey (who I know from Dan), Abby, Erica, Alan, Mondo. those are only a few, but there are many more. If you want to see the future of this country, look at them, because they are genuine.
So I am who I am today because of all these people. The people I have met and watched. The experiences of being on stage, falling down stairs and getting hit on the football field. From the kids I coach to the professors who challenged me. My parents in both life and my father in death. So I thank you, because it may take a village to raise a baby, but its the world who shapes the person.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/01/2006 09:01:00 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.