Time is My Enemy
February 22, 2007
You know how people always talk about there not being enough hours in the day? Well this concept has become more apparent in the past couple of weeks.
I have my full-time job from 7am - 4pm, then I usually work out or I train clients (Mondays & Fridays) or I am running my fitness boot camp til about 7pm (Tues and Thurs), work on the gym floor and train clients in same night until 9pm (weds). Saturday mornings I work at one gym til 10am and then run to another gym to train a client at 11. Then after all that I have some time to spend with my wife.
Now to add to this, I try to do some work on football in preparation for the upcoming season. Since coaching is a year round job and I want to become as educated as possible and a higher qualified coach for the future, I attend clinics when I can. Yet more time off the personal time clock.
So as with anything I am managing the clock even better then before. I am not going to be working at the gym on wed nights (if all goes well on interview today) however I may be at a hospital being a part of their obese children program. Which is not only a great opportunity, but a step in the direction to where I am thinking about going in the future. A future I was once working towards, just with a new subject.
I am looking into the possibility of getting my teaching certification and possibly doing physical education (I have the background, but I know this is a dime a dozen major). However it would also take more time away from me and my growing family. It may mean having to give up hours training and focus on the the bigger goal. Who knows, its still all on the drawing board right now.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/22/2007 08:14:00 AM,
Wow Its Been A While!
February 21, 2007
Ok well here I am writting months later. I appologize for that. Well I am another year older, the baby is baking perfectly in Dori's belly and I am possibly taking on another job. Go Figure.
I will be writting more tomorrow, spent most of the day updating this site.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/21/2007 01:58:00 PM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.