Season of Giving.... Nightmares?
December 14, 2005

Ahhh yes, this is the time of year of celebrating Christmas. The day we celebrate the birth of Christ, to spend time with family and for Santa to cut off heads? Seems as if more and more people these days want to try and make a scene on the commercialism of Christmas by either killing Santa or making him cut off someone's head.
This is what little children see on their way home from school. Many have been crying when they see the image of Santa holding a knife and a severed head in his hand. With barbie dolls in the tree decapitated. This from a family who says they are making a point on the commercialism of Christmas. This family they later mention is also a non-practicing Jewish Family, who claim their daughter came up with the idea.
Last week a man in FL hung Santa in a tree, with his hands bound together and blindfolded to make the same statement. After police, media and community attention and asking him (who was not living in the home mind you) to take it down, he did one night around 1/2 a.m.
Now I understand what people are trying to do do and protest, but seriously, scaring the crap out of little kids is not the way to do it. Part of the magic of Christmas is to still have that belief in the man in the red suite. Even if you are ages from 5-100.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 12/14/2005 11:42:00 AM,
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