My Valentines Day Positive Post From A Single Guy
February 14, 2006

Today lovers, people seeking love, and those who have been burned by the ones they loved or have given up all together will in one way or another celebrate. A day which has created much animosity towards those couples who are out, holding hands and giving roses and cards. Sharing deep glances into their other's eyes and getting lost in the moment. They are in their own world, yet the show and object of many other's jealousy.
Many hate the day, because they like myself feel it is fake. It was created by Hallmark. However, I do realize the small token of having it. Remember when you were in school and you gave valentines cards or the little conversation hearts? You would be eager to see what you got, however even more so to see who liked what you gave them. Some were the simple Superman and carebear ones, and some where hand made, however everyone seem to get one. Either way you gave someone a little something to know they were thought of and appreciated. Were you ever the one who did not receive one? It was then, when we were at our most innocent times and often eager to give to the others in class, that we saw the true meaning. It was simply showing them you appreciated them.
As much as I am not always a fan of the day, I do not get jealous of those who are celebrating their love. I do not think the flowers and candy are the main ways to show they love someone. This being that over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. No, I look for the people who are married over 20 + years and look to the old couples, who many are in awe of when they walk hand in hand in a park. How do they do it? Was it that rose he bought her years ago? I doubt it, but I bet he lets her know how much she means to him and she does the same.
For those who are extreme anti-Valentines day, you will not remember these feelings when you are head over heels in love. You will prob laugh at those who "were once like you" and say there is hope. My advice is, there are people you care about who would love a card or a phone call just knowing you are thinking about them. Their reaction to that would be like that of grade school. Knowing they appreciated the fact that you were thinking of them. How in less then 2 months do we go from all about giving, to being all about receiving?
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/14/2006 10:41:00 AM,
- At 2:34 PM, said...
I agree with you Ryan... if you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever then just show someone else you love that you care.
For instance, since I am currently boyfriend-less and my father is away on business in Italy, my mother and I are going out to dinner.
No need to be bitter. There's always someone who loves you and/or you love so make today about them. - At 4:41 PM, Noreen said...
I going right to the store after work to buy a special treat for my dog.... the only unconditional love I have.
and oh yes.. the parrot...
thanks for a thoughtful blog :) - At 6:07 PM, newsgirl said...
I totally agree, thank god that there is someone else that thinks the same way.
My sister and I, both being recently single, feel it is just a consumers day to make money off of couples. I feel I have been blessed with the fact that I don't have to spend money on anyone other than my parents this time around. Kris and I decided to make each other cards which I think is much more meaningful than a $4 Hallmark card. And funny thing is my mother kept all those cheesy Valentines that we got in grade school, I was tempted to buy them this year but I saved my money instead. Love you blogs by the way! - At 6:31 PM, Mags said...
Hi Ryan! My question you like glitter? ;)
- At 10:19 PM, Total Core Fitness Bootcamp said...
Do I like glitter? Only if its on a girls and its her body glitter. LOL
- At 12:03 PM, Unknown said...
I think your post was nice even though I had a Valentine. I posted a V-day blog too!
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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