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Complete Randomness

As usually I was in the shower and many thoughts came to mind. I find when I'm in the shower that I am bombarded by information from the cosmos that many do not think of.

* You know when people are asked, "if you could meet with anyone famous, living or dead who would it be and why?" I thought, well why the hell would they want to eat lunch with you? What makes you so special, for them to take time out from heavenly charades or some movie shoot to meet with you? Then what about the real irony if they were complete opposite of what they are like. For instance. Most guys will say they want to meet Vince Lombardy, what if they meet him and hes like "you know I don't really like football, lets talk about a rose garden or something."

* Did you know that a Kangaroo is a relative of the rabbit? Kind of reminds me of a T-Rex of rabbits. Small arms, huge body. I could imagine how it was created. T-Rex is all mad because he cant ever touch himself. You know he's frustrated sometimes. Rabbit comes along "why what's wrong?" he goes "I cant touch myself and I need loving" rabbit thinking she has a solution. "ill take care of you if you promise not to eat me" Well he goes ok.... Gives his love juice and Pop comes a Kangaroo

* I often believe that our pets are in charge of us. We throw them toys for their enjoyment, we clean up their crap, we feed them and we give them places to live. Hmmmmmm who is the pet?

* This hit me when I recently heard how boys are not scoring a lot lower in school then girls. This has been a steady increase and some say it is because girls mature faster. I agree. They look better faster, they are smarter younger, but for checks and balances purposes, when guys catch up, girls go backwards. They start to go insane at least 1 week a month, they start to lose their bodies and start to like the bad guys and leave the good ones. While the guys start to get better looking and smart enough to know and remember the girls who screwed them. However at a certain point it all evens out and you have the mix we have today. Just look at Jerry Springer and Maury. LOL

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/27/2006 11:25:00 AM,


At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wasn't sure you would actually go ahead and post all that but im glad you did cause it made me laugh both times

At 6:18 PM, Blogger TaraMetBlog said...

I go on random thought tangents in the shower too and right before bed.. and no, I didn't know that kangaroos and rabbits are related but yes, my childhood cat had me wrapped around her paw. Also, hang in there.


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Coach Ryan

Ryan is twenty seven years old and recently married. Him and his wife are expecting their first child in May. One of his current jobs is as a personal trainer. He also volnteers as a youth football head coach, the players are 8-11 yrs old.

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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.

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