Its a Smelly World
January 18, 2006

I am haunted by bad smells everyday.
You have my office manager who could kill you in one breath. I swear acid agents could not take the smell away. Imagine taking your morning breath add a garlic after taste, 3 cartons of cigarettes and a rotting animal on the road in 1 person's mouth and that is what you got.
What I do not get is like many who have terrible breaths, they have to be close talkers. Those people make me nuts to begin with. However when she comes to talk to me at my desk, I hold my breath for a long period of time. Sometimes I turn beat red and have to breath. This is when I pass out.
Next you have the Vest guy at the gym. He continues to make some of the non-showering Indians smell like roses. As an attempt to make a point, one girl at the gym, pulled out of her gym bag a bottle of Febreeze. I basically told her that I now bow down to her for doing what she did. Here is the scenario. He passes by while me and her are talking. Of course we already heard the warnings, "guys the vest guy is here today" and we went about our business. She goes, that's it, gets her gym bag, pulls out the bottle and walks his way with a towel. Lies next to him on the mats (she hates her life we guess) and says "I'm sorry, I have this quirky thing that I need to spray this, I hope you don't mind" of course he lets her... However, when he turns his back, she sprayed his vest. Then got up and left.
Last but not least is a sad one. My Dog BJ. He is a smelly dog in his old age. Its his breath. I have tried everything from giving him toothpaste, bones and other things to clean the bad breath. I guess I can only be happy he doesn't like to lick people. But god help you if you lay near him and he yawns.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/18/2006 09:59:00 AM,
- At 12:24 PM, Unknown said...
So the Vest Guy still hasn't changed even after you talked to him???
- At 2:36 PM, said...
weird.. something smelled like ass in my classroom yesterday.. probably one of the kids... they tend to smell like ass
ohhh i hate close talkers... i just wanna push them out of my face - At 5:20 PM, TaraMetBlog said...
sorry you have to deal with that!
Just reading your description is causing me to pop a piece of gum right now.
The Author
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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