That Fat Shedding, Smelling, Jammed Time Of Year
January 04, 2006

So I get off the treadmill after a decent run for my cardio and abs day and I go to get the cleaning spray and paper towel and see this article posted with some highlighting done. The Home News Tribune. I knew right away who to go to. She is a trainer there and said, "how did you know" and I just said "because your like me, we say it as it is". This was a big thing to the new people.
We started laughing hysterically because the day before me and some other regulars at the gym were commenting on the same things. The smell from the people the first day or working out in the new year was so bad, people started to walk out of the gym. This is why we wear deodorant in America.
Another pet-peeve of mine is the people who stare at you. They are just so blatant about it to. I was on the stability ball doing an advanced move (jack knives) and this guy who was watching me, sees me leave, I turn around and watch him and his whole body flew off and his crashed into the mirrored wall. I was going to help him, but I couldn't stop laughing. Another guy was doing dumbbell curls, sees a guy squatting 225lbs, he decides he wants to do it. We offer to spot him, though he also smells like all hell, but he declines. He pulls the bar back, and squats down (easy part) but cannot get up. We go to save his ass and lift the bar up, tell him to start out with lower weight, I guess he was embarrassed and said "no I am just worn out from my workout" even though he was there for 15 minutes.
We have a guy we call "Vest Boy". This guy for over a year wears the SAME CLOTHES every time he was at the gym. We hadn't seen him for 2-3 months and he came in yesterday, with the same clothes and the same vest he always wears. Some of us are thinking about taking up a collection and buying him some Axe body spray, detergent, and a new vest. Because when I say he smells, O boy you better run for the other side of the room.
Read the article if you haven't already. Don't be the person I blog about. LOL
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/04/2006 09:36:00 AM,
- At 10:52 PM, Unknown said...
That is pretty discusting! I mean you would think that people would notice if you wore the same thing to the gym all the time, especially wearing a vest. You should take a camera with you next time and snap a real pick, I would love to see what this guy actually looks like!
- At 9:15 AM, Jay said...
Yuck. I don't know how you put up with it.
- At 2:07 PM, Total Core Fitness Bootcamp said...
EASY! I use it as an AB workout.... Pull stomach in tight, hold breath and run like hell. Lost a waist size bc of them. LOL
- At 9:52 PM, said...
HaHa... at my gym there's this butch woman who always wears the same Everlast sports bra and spandex... shes there in that particular outfit every single time i'm there... my sister and i refer to her as Everlast woman...
i haven't smelled her though... maybe next time i'm there... if shes malodorous maybe we can hook her up with vest guy and they can move to some remote island and stop smelling up metro NY
The Author
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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