Woman Code: My Enemy
January 10, 2006

Ask any guy and we will tell you, we cannot stand the woman code. O yes, the code! Women you cannot deny it! You will say one thing and mean 3 other things all in which we have to figure out.
In recent times I have been talking to people about some of the things that get me all crazy about women. For instance here is my break down of just a few:
Does this make me look fat? If we say yes we are in trouble, if we say no we are in trouble. However I am the combatant who will take one for the team and then fight back. I always say yes! Because I look at it as it something making her appear fat, not saying she is fat herself. Then I will argue that she never wanted me to lie and I am only being honest like she has always wanted me to be and I would never lie. However, I then pose the question of, "if you didn't really want to know, then why did you ask me? Next time just tell me what you want to hear and I will say it."
I hate men! Funny, they hate you to! Usually your take on the opposite sex is written across you head. We do however know this is code for you saying "can you prove me wrong." I don't fall for it, because I think if someone is going to have to try and make themself hate people of the opposite sex to calm down their slutish ways, then let them, but like I said, it only makes them look bad. I have talked to a few people through school and online who always said they hated men. I asked why, they say, "simple, they are jerks". ahhhh way to answer the question genius. Later you find out it is because they were screwed over, I told them women do the same thing, but doesn't stop guys often. If she wanted proof of women being just as bad, I told her to watch Maurey and how many women can't figure out who their baby's father is. Women listen, men you too. Do not openly say you hate the opposite sex for some crazy shit, because it just shows some of your baggage and lets people know they have to work harder.
All Men want is sex: And Just about 90% of women to! Do not even try and deny it you are just lying to yourself. Like I said before, we know how to combat this and know that it is really something you want just as bad. Honestly, most women will sleep with guys to feel that they are wanted and loved. You create your own hell.
and my #1 thing I cannot stand is......
You're just too nice for me: Which leads to men saying "all good guys finish last." Ladies you say you do not agree with that statement, but will be the first to break up with a guy and use that line. That is worse then "I think we should just be friends." However seriously, you know what that sounds like? Imagine this:
You are on a job interview and the employer says:
Wow this is an amazing resume, really is by far the best and most qualified person for the position. However, We will not be hiring you. But you are by far the most perfect person for this job. We will use you to measure all the other applicants but will settle for some abusive alcoholic. We may even call you at 2 am some nights to complain about them and remind you how perfect you are and how we wish we could have hired you.
Ladies remember, you keep dropping the good guys, you will one day sit back and wonder why you cannot find anyone who is nice. You know the ones you let go? Here is a tip, the guys you think you can change from being assholes, only become bigger ones!
As for the guys, we will continue to try and study and figure out your minds. I will make this statement though. Be true to who you are and never change for anyone. I am proud to love football, lifting, write poetry, enjoy theater, my family, friends and doing community service. For I know one person, because I enjoy to do community service and enjoy theater I am not looked at as being masculine. I look at it as she has never really known a man and only hangs with little boys who try to look cool. This the same person who could fall into everything above, insecure, shallow and lacking of all class. But then again, that is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/10/2006 08:12:00 AM,
- At 2:49 PM, said...
The girl's answer to "Nice Guys Finish Last"...
okay... the "nice guy" who claims he finishes last is always the same guy who won't turn around and see the perfect girl right under his nose... instead he chases the girl who is out of his league and then whines when she turns him down using the excuse "you're too nice for me" code for: "im out of your league"
ladies... do u agree? - At 7:43 PM, said...
I can honestly say I've never said the first thing because I know I'm fat :D Why make myself feel worse, you know?
The next two phrases you posted about I've uttered in some variations, during moments of frustration.
The last phrase I can honestly say I've never said to any guy, mainly because I've only been involved with two guys and they screwed me over.
You know, I dig that you do community service and enjoy theater. Back in the day all the roles were played by men. Why do people think of theater as feminine anyway? - At 8:58 PM, TaraMetBlog said...
Do women really ask guys "do I look fat?" I always see it in commercials etc, but I've never asked that. First off I know if I look fat or not and If I did, I sure as heck wouldn't point it out to a guy, lol.
- At 2:28 PM, said...
Tara, I totally agree with you... if I am unsure of how i look in something the first person im going to is my sister or my mom or a girl friend... i would never ask a boyfriend
Ryan, have you ever seriously been asked that?
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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