Trapped by Our Own Mind
January 05, 2006

I was on and read this article "My Girlfriend's Kinky Threesome". Now I know your thinking something bad here, but in all reality it is the thinking in the guys mind which is common to everyone.
Ever talk to someone you are interested in, dating or even married to and learn some information about them that just sticks in your mind for no reason but for your own personal torture? Well lets narrow this down, to basically this article. Say you are on a date, you know this person and the topic of sex comes up. This has come up before and now new information comes up. They talk about how they were once telling their friends some secrets about their sex life and it got out and how embarrassing it was for them. :: TRIGGER:: Now your mind is wondering, well what about what we have done? What have they said about me? What do they know? What will they know?
A prisoner in your own web of thoughts and fears. The more they go on with the story, the more you feel like you are doing a horror movie with the shrieking sounds from Psycho playing. Everything you can find that you did wrong is playing out. You forget the positive things.....::Back to reality:: they ask you for some info and now you hold back, you want to share to keep the conversation going, you want to ask what they know and at the same time worried, what will go against you!
Even when you try your best to change the topic, you cannot get it out of your head. Feeling like you are being judged by every detail to the topic of someone's conversation which could leather lead to someone's embarrassment. You meet one of their friends and want to introduce yourself as the person who "couldn't get it up that night" but you know, it was because it was 30 degrees in that car and were in a public parking lot.
Time will pass and maybe this one line they once said will have gone to a distant memory. Your actions will no longer be the subject of "what will they say" that is until, you walk into a room when they are with their friends, a quick laugh, conversation stops and you are left to think, "Oh no, what did they say about me".
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/05/2006 10:39:00 AM,
- At 9:44 PM, said...
WoW, i read that whole thing thinkin "you" was a female and "the other person" was a male... once i read the "couldnt get it up" part i realized who was the male and who was the female.
the double standard here is amusing. you always hear about guys who talk about thier sex lives to thier friends but its the girls who are worse... girls talk in massive detail from size to how long they went for and everything in between... i know that for a fact
SOOO my question here IS what do guys talk about to thier friends when talking about hooking up with a specific girl? do they use details? do they make things up? and most importantly... do they do what girls do which is do they blame everything on thier partner? for example, if a guy doesn't "bust" during oral sex the girl will say something like "yeah its because he jerks off too much" and never putting the blame on herself knowing full well that shes doing something wrong...
The Author
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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