I'm Gonna Do It
January 12, 2006

Well after a few years of talking about it, I am finally going through with my threat to friends and family that I would apply for Survivor. Chance of me getting on are like the chances of me winning the lottery, but would I be good for TV? YOU KNOW IT!
Saturday, early in the morning I will be treching to NYC to get in line at the Javits Center. It is from 10 am - 12noon. Keep your fingures crossed. My friend who is coming with me is going to apply as well, though I told her that if she gets on and I don't, we will never speak again. I never miss an episode and she has never seen a complete season. Either way at least I can say I tried.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/12/2006 09:04:00 AM,
- At 2:38 PM, said...
Ha I think I've only seen a few episodes of Survivor back in the day when it first started, but if you make it I'll definitely start watching again and give support! Good luck with the auditions :)
Thanks for the comment. It made me think and you're right. I'm not that into him and I know why.
re your P.S. - Heck yeah, Lost was amazing! - At 10:15 PM, said...
i'll vote for you... wait can u vote in that show? i have no idea... try out for american idol.. thats more my speed
The Author
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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