Hoping The Past Isn't My Future
January 18, 2006

Well after saying to myself, "Ryan, you will go to this meeting, be formally put in as the webmaster and part of the board of directors and go about your business." I think many know as well as I do that this wasn't going to end that way. I walked into the meeting at 7:30 as a Head Coach and unofficial webmaster walked out at 9:45 as a Head Coach, Webmaster and Fundraising Chairman. YAY for me right? LOL
I enjoy the work and it isn't much really, however a little fear came over me. What if the same things happen to me as they did in Circle K. For those who do not know, Circle K international is a collegiate service organization. At the club level it is amazing and make a huge difference. As you move on, the politics take over and no matter what good you do, there are the evils trying to bring you down. In CKI I went from club president all the way to International Vice-President. Though when I was I-VP, I could care less about anything really, I just wanted to graduate college. It was Governor when the nightmare happened.
Imagine knowing that you are taking a position in an organization in chaos. You had the axis of evil aka the click and then the members. I never wanted to be in the click I only wanted to destroy them. I was elected into office bc as many said, I was the right person to give the District a kick in the ass. Yap, I beat out Scott and Lauren (2 people who failed miserably trying to bring me down in the election, Scott who will later lose at international and district governor yet again). However, I brought on a lot of people who I did not like, but had skills I could use on the board to get my goals achieved. I know Dennis a Kiwanis kiss ass who talked more shit behind people's backs then anyone and later tried to act like all was well and blame college kids for some of the drama he created, wanted me out. Tom was jealous, Michele was an idiot and had no common sense. I had a great Editor who later had to be let go, he was definitely one of my favorite board members ever, since we were both crazy. I had an LTG who left for personal reasons and seems like the friendship went with it. She was good and liked by everyone. Had a lot of potential and still does. I took on a kid who many did not think would succeed and gave him an opportunity to shine, he is now the Governor. Funny though how people forget who helped them and gave them chances. Power Corrupts. However, I did have a major ally on the board and still my best friend who did amazing things in her areas and later became Governor. Shut a lot of people up when you succeed when others try to bring you down.
However after all the drama, the hard decisions, going against popular belief, the membership rose, more community service was done, higher turnouts at events and guess what, many were not happy. Was not because they did not see the results, they all did, because I made sure credit was given to where it was due. This made them have to accept their role on a board that did do good things. No they were upset because it was not them in office, that things did not go their way it was simply about them, not the members.
This (after that long monologue) leads me to this fear. What if this board forgets its about the kids. It is not a hidden problem that the politics in this organization has torn it apart and hurt it in many ways. We have an uphill battle and I do not know all the players in this drama yet. We shall see, but like I did before, I will move on doing the right thing and not forget who it is about. Unlike: Scott, Dennis, Tom, Mike, Mike, Michele, Joey, Emily, Liz, Lauren. (yep ill name drop because I can)
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/18/2006 09:23:00 AM,
- At 4:33 PM, said...
RYAN! although i didn't see all of this going on in your District I know a lot about it because of things you have told me and also because of everything that went on in my own experience.
I know you care a lot about the service aspect and the kids. As long as you always keep that in mind you will succeed in any kind of service that you do.
Lastly, you definitely know how to shake things up. So if you see the "main thing" slipping and people seem to stop caring about that "main thing", the kids, just shake things up. Show people why you're there. You have a presence and I'm sure you can get the attention you need to make a difference!
Hope that helped! =)
The Author
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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