Hmmm Freedom Of Speech??? Not if Crazy Muslims Have Their Way
February 09, 2006

What makes this whole thing funny, well sad really, is that the guy who stirred this all up, created false cartoons, then after the artist made an apology from the DANISH paper, these crazies are now going after the Jews. I say every fucker who is protesting and talking shit, should be shot on site. This would cure a lot of problems. Like I said before, when the terrorists are having their parades in their cities, we fire hell fire missiles on their asses.
This is one guy in London who wants to protest, but wants that freedom to go to hell. WTG there genius:

He looks like a native English man.
I have found the cartoons that are part of this outrage. Go here for the complete list of them
Here is one:
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/09/2006 11:20:00 AM,
- At 12:58 PM, Wally Banners said...
its ok Bro soon Iran will glow in the dark!!
- At 7:16 PM, Dush said...
you are absolutely right.They are so pathetic...most people in middle east are blind by the religion.on top of it...they got these crazy clerics who takes advantage from illiterate people and march them like donkeys.
- At 3:14 AM, said...
The issue is education. I spent 2 years in the middle east and from what I've seen is that they are lacking education. Some people say build schools but the problem isn't lack of schools. The problem is lack of jobs that require education. Children as young as 6 leave school to help their fathers work instead of going to school and learn everything from religous leaders and parents instead of teachers so they are very biased. There isn't any reason for children to stay in school since they will obtain the same job with or without education so in their minds "What's the point?". More industrious jobs need to be created as opposed to the typical jobs of the region which include farming, selling farmed products at the market, selling scrap metal, and some actually join terrorist origanizations for money and not just religious beliefs. It's simliar to the gang situation in America. Children grow up seeing older people with money who are gangsters and those who stay true are broke so of course they choose crime. Many terrorist leaders are very wealthy and can offer lifetime support for their family if they commit suicide so this is a route many decide to take.
- At 6:14 AM, said...
Hello there,
Being an Arab Muslim, I had to post a comment here. First of all, what most Western people don't understand is how HOLY religion is and how HOLY Prophet Mohammad is to us. You can't just draw funny cartoons about him, mocking him and call it "Freedom of speech"!! Same goes for Jesus and other HOLY religions, you can't just make fun and mock them and then call it freedom of speech. It's totally unacceptable.
And btw, we hate Israel because of what it does to Palestinians which, of course, is not known to 90% people in the West since Jews control the media there. You don't see Israeli soldiers shooting and killing helpless babies, women, unarmed young men and torturing them for no reason at all. See that first then tell me what you think then.
You don't see what American soldiers do to many helpless Iraqi people in Iraq. They were supposed to go there free them not torture them. See that then talk.
Again, violence isn't accepted so I don't really agree to the way Muslims have reacted to such cartoons. They were and still mad and they have all right to be. But the idea is we should let people know more about Islam and that its essence is built on peace, love, kindness, mercy and forgiveness instead of such acts of violence.
And btw true islam is never terrorism. Your media has taught you that terror=Islam which is not true at all. Such terrorists aren't TRUE moslems.
Also you're talking about those martyrs blowing themselves up in Palestine...It's because they have no other way of defending themselves. Imagine you live somewhere (and let's even hope you have a home because most probably Israeli soldiers have brought it down on your head) and you have no weapons and your family are being killed one day after another for NO REASON, you keep losing them...Tell me then you won't hate Israel so the idea they get then is to blow themselves up to avenge their families and take revenge on those Israeli soldiers. So don't make fun of that.
I encourage you to read about the REAL islam from trusted sites/sources. If I can be of any help, please email me back at
Peace. - At 1:47 AM, said...
Funny thing about lies is it make the truth surface huh?
Glad to read some of the responses to this post. Yeah, the free speech defense is pretty obviously invalid. Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you should. So the protests are well deserved, as is divestment and boycotts.
I mean just like you have the right to publish sacriligious cartoons, they have the right to stop buying your products and protest. The lesson is that if you exercise your rights within the constraints of respect for other people, they won't exercise their rights against you. Most people pick this up in kindergarten.
Insofar as random nonsensical comments on Israel, the U.S. and the middle-east goes, at this point almost every country in the world with the exception of Israel and the U.S. have acknowledged the legitimacy of the Palestinian struggle and the massacres & human rights abuses perpetrated by Israel. I think it's a pretty uncontroversial to say that if you want to know what's going on over there you probably want to steer away from basing your opinion solely on U.S. media since the U.S. is one of the parties in the conflict. Or at least try to mix it up a little.
Finally I'll say that the thing I liked about Seth's point is that it takes into account some real variables. For anyone trying to understand what's happening in the Middl-East (or really anywhere in the world), it's a good idea to try to follow the trail of real resources. Explanations that are based on 'ancient hatreds', 'religious differences', 'cultural deficiencies', etc. are usually repackaged racism or propaganda one side will throw at the other. Most human values are shared everywhere, so the idea that (for example) Palestinian mothers and fathers are callously chucking their kids at Israelis is as retarded as saying Black people in the 60s were callously chucking their kids in front of firehoses. Instead of defaulting to cultural arguments, try following the paper trail, or reading people who do. This'll tell you what is really behind the problem before people started hurling names at each other. good job seth.
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