And we are back
July 31, 2006
Choices, Changes, Believing. 3 words I to live by. I believe you have to make choices, good or bad. Those choices will lead to major or minor changes, I do not think that you can do something that can not in some way, some how change something. Finally believing in what choices you have made.
For the first time in a long time, I looked in the mirror and recognized the face looking back at me. I knew I have seen it before, but not for a while. Through personal corruption, choices and outside influences, the image had always been of a stranger. Lately I have been finding myself again.
I have a lot going on right now. I got a second job as a personal trainer for a gym and I am their only trainer for right now. From what I am getting from them is that they are going to give me the opportunity to run their training program and become a supervisor. This would finally give me the leg up I need to make it bigger in a competitive field, with regards to getting clients. I am in the midst of creating a fitness bootcamp and an ABS class.
On top of this, I have been busy with coaching. Well preparing for coaching for the upcoming season. Practice starts tomorrow at 6pm. Unfortunately it will be close to 100 degrees tomorrow. I am hoping by 6pm that it will be cooler. I have a sense of nervousness and confidence. I am taking over a team which lost in the championship game last yr by 2 points. On top of our league does not have many players and the bulk of them are on the lower levels. I often hear that ,"the future of our program is on your shoulders." Now this would scare many people, only motivates me. I am just nervous because I feel there is a high expectation for this team to win it all and I do not want to be the one who makes the wrong choice in a game that may hurt our chances. However, do not get me wrong, with the coaches I have, the talent coming onto this team, I feel that we can take it all. My goal for the end of this season is Orlando Fl. For the Pop Warner Superbowl.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 7/31/2006 01:59:00 PM,
Take a Seat and Wait
July 06, 2006
What is it about having to sit in a "waiting room" that makes people act funny. There are social rules for such a room.
- If you want to talk to someone you are waiting with (family, friend) you have to lower your voice to a whisper when someone enters.
- You sit with your head down looking at anything and everything you own. "I don't remember that spot getting on my shoe" or "I know he is going to tell me I need to lose weight, my thighs cover every inch of possible space, shit how I am getting out of this chair." Some people will grab magazines, but they aren't reading them, because I am sure the guy who grabbed "NJ BRIDE" really cares about that dress on page 123.
- When someone enters through the front door, you have to look and see who it is. You really are doing one thing, guess what their ailment is. Will they get in before you? Are they going to sit in the seat next to you?
- Why is it that people do not follow the rules guys follow for Urinals. If you have multiple chairs to choose from, do not sit next to someone you do not know, you MUST leave 1 chair open space. This should be followed even if you are with family and friends, to make sure you push others away.
- When your name is not called to be next, you automatically look at the time. Even if it is one person after another going in and you KNOW that you were the last to come in. Yeah, you tried to lie about what time you came in when you signed your name, but they know. They always know.
I don't know what brought this thought on, but I was bored, NJ is closed and I felt like sharing. IF YOU WANT SHIRTS, MUGS, SIGNS WHATEVER DEALING WITH THE CLOSURE OF NJ, GO TO GIGGLECHICKS BLOG
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 7/06/2006 09:49:00 AM,
Last Call At AC was at 8am
July 05, 2006

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 7/05/2006 10:10:00 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.