One Month Huh?
February 16, 2006
I do not know why I get so annoyed at it, but why do some people celebrate "monthly anniversaries"? Especially 1 month! See I would not have been set off by this, if I didn't come across a profile on my MySpace which has this as the girls title:

I think if you are celebrating 1 month, you will have a terrible relationship, especially if I was the bf. Why? It is showing your celebration for such a small time frame. You are showing you have a hard time making it this far. Its like "OMG, let go look at rings, because we talk online all the time and see each other maybe 2 times a week"
Listen, I firmly believe there are a few stages in a relationship (normal ones where you see the person)
1-3 Months - Honeymoon, everyone is happy, maybe have a few arguments here. However usually in 1 month you decide if this will go for another 2 months.
3-6 Months - Testing the waters on this person. You may have some spats and wanting to kill them, however this is where you are really getting to know the REAL person.
6-9 Months- Hopefully it is not only about sex. However this is what I call the fight or flight time. Are you goin to stik around and waste your time or is there something really there.
9-12 Months- hey what the hell you made it this far, lets start getting ready for 1 yr celebration (this is ok). Start to think to self, hell if anything, lets just make the yr.
Start most of cycle over again, however there is more talk of a solid future, trust is challenged and people get neurotic. Girls talk marriage, guys fear freedom. Either way, its a fun ride.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/16/2006 12:42:00 PM,
- At 4:25 PM, said...
Maybe there's something wrong with me but fight or flight time comes for me in like the first week...
probably why i've never had a long term relationship...
ok def. dont wanna get all Dr. Phil on here... - At 5:14 PM, Unknown said...
We only celebrated our 1 year, but I usually mention it at the half marks, but it is nothing more than, "Hey, guess what today is. It's our year and a half mark."
By the way, the year and a half mark is March 25th! WOO HOO! - At 12:35 PM, TaraMetBlog said...
I'm terrible at remembering dates so good thing I've never celebrated inconsequential anniversaries like two months, etc. I've also never made it to the year mark with anyone to celebrate that one, but that would be the only one I could see doing something special for.
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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