If You Don't Watch You, You'll Get Bit
March 29, 2006
The other day I ended up going to the gym late because I was applying for a personal trainer position at a gym where my friend works at. Now me, being of sound mind, was going to take it as a day to not lift and have a day off. However I do not like missing days I did not plan to miss, so I ended up going.
Now, for those who do not know me, I'm a very time conscious person. I have internal schedules I live by and when my time is off, I get flustered. (I am working on this). However I digress. I enter the gym when I usually am leaving and people are all surprised I'm there later then usual. So I am talking to some fellow trainers and guys I lift with when we notice some guy keeps walking through bumping shoulders with some of us. Now once or twice is fine, because we figured he was passing through and was not enough room. However when it happened to me in the middle of the room with space all around me, I had to say something. Took off my headphones, go to him and say "you have problem?" his answer was so hysterical I literally had to hold myself up from laughing so hard. He goes, "yeah, from 6-8, this is usually my gym, I'm the top dog in here, I don't need you and your people coming in here and talking and showing me up." A couple of my friends heard and started to laugh as well. I told him,"hey better get used to a few 'top dogs' in the same place, because if your not careful, someone will get bit." With that, we all went about your business.
Karma is a funny thing. He goes to lift semi-heavy and cant get it all the way up. No one wanted to help him because he was a dick, however 2 of us went over and helped. As we walked away, I made a comment. "I guess his ego is shot now, because he didn't look like a top dog to me."
ahhh I love the gym
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/29/2006 08:23:00 AM,
Donor Video (My Story)
March 28, 2006
In college I was often known to lead conversations in my communication classes when having Dr. Harrison as a professor. He knew my story and also asked for my help in research and promotion with the search for a major grant from the government.
He wanted to know if he could use my story with my father for a national education using technology conference. He sent me the video and I want to share the link. I will be honest when I say you have to be patient with the loading, it is a very large file, but worth it. Thanks
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/28/2006 12:35:00 PM,
Then...We Remember
Why is when you least expect it, something makes you hear yourself speak. You hear how you sound and at that moment you know, "this isn't me." You even sit back and come out of this hypnosis and see the actions you have done in recent past and know, that you would not even want to talk to yourself. Eventually you remember where you came from. What made you who you are and who you should and could be. We all have our moment in life that "changed" us. Many will know mine, I make it very obvious, open and will shout it from the mountains. I will admit at times, I do change and in recent times, I have had a lot on my mind and sometimes when you think you may have made mistakes, you haven't, you just have situations you have to find answers to.
The very reason is also why I changed the banner for this month and my focus for this month (that will be mixed with my normal writing). My father who passed, was an organ donor. He taught me a lot in death as he did in life. I had the opportunity to learn more about and become a part of THE SHARING NETWORK. This is for NJ donor recipients and donor families. My family and I were invited to join in the many other families in the creation of the Donor Quilt. To my surprise, the block in which my family created, was featured in magazines.
However during the month of April, I plan on just posting facts, links and information on Organ Donation. A lot of it is to ease the fears and myths. I will not push someone to do anything, I will not try and sell it, but I will provide facts. Coming from a family who lost a father, best friend, hero and role model 2 days before Christmas, it means a lot to make sure people know the truth. My father was able to give 5 families a Merry Christmas, while we worked on funeral arrangements. However, we felt he lived on, and heard from 2 of the donor recipients.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/28/2006 08:24:00 AM,
Seeing Double?
March 24, 2006
According to Debra Lafave (woman who sexually molested a boy and had charges dropped in her second case) there are no double standards with men and women in this kind of situation. I would have to say she really is nuts, because if it was a man, he would be in jail for 5yrs to life. However it is not just in this case that I have noticed it. It is in everyday life. Let me give some examples:
- if a guy is caught cheating on his girlfriend, he is an ass, a worthless p.o.s, he should be thrown to the streets and will forever have to feel the wrath of the world.
- Make a girl doing this and you hears, well the guy is dating deserves it. He was prob treating her bad and she needed to go find something better or experience better.
Not a soul to wonder what if she really is a slut or just a terrible person. I am not saying that the guy was right in the situation, however how is it so easy to let the female be the victim? Seriously, the likely hood of a woman cheating is a lot higher then a guy. For one reason, girls get away with everything. Put on the tears, act like the victim and bam! Your free.
Multiple Sex Partners
Well this is a hot topic. Many still believe if a guy sleeps with a lot of girls that he is somehow "the man". At the same time if it was a woman, she would be looked at as a "slut". I would have to say that this has slowly become more equal. I see more and more guys not admiring guys who love to sleep around and well same for the women as well. In today's age of "hey what disease you have this week?" who wants someone who slept with a whole town?
Off this whole Male Vs Female Topic.... I have a double standard for the Gym
Gym Rat
I was joking with someone at the gym the other day. During the time they say, "man your a gym rat aren't you, I see you here all the time." So, to clarify the situation, I ask, "so are you saying your a gym rat?" looking confused they say,"no I was saying you are, because I always see you here."
After staring at them for a few seconds, I go, "if you are calling me a gym rat for always being here, because YOU always see me here, would that not mean you are a "gym rat"(insert quote things with hands) as well?" They go, "no, because all I do is cardio and get out here"... Shook my head, walking away saying "you really are an idiot aren't you?"
So, even though this was my cardio week, and yes usually I could be seen with the weights in hand that makes me a gym rat because I'm in the gym working out. However, this guy, comes in, just does his workout (cardio) but does not pick up weights does not make him one.... Interesting
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/24/2006 07:46:00 AM,
Hey Remember Me?
March 23, 2006
Sorry for the lack in posting, like many people the past weekend and a half has been crazy. I have a few updates on some things and I promise I will be back to my blogging self.
- This past week I had to take over the Company magazine. This meant designing, layout and edit. I was apprehensive at first, but got right into it. The publication goes nationally to heads of companies, legislatures and other subscribers. I cut production time down by 3 days and saved the company a couple thousand dollars.
- Pop Warner wise, I am now working on my coaching staff, what my offense and defense will be and setting standards for first week of practice. I also re-designed the website. Take a look www.metuchenpopwarner.com
- I am looking to become a trainer at a new gym opening by my office, I am hoping I can get it, could use the extra money
- Last week bought a new car. Its a White, 2000 Blazer. I am very very very happy
- Recent weeks have led me to start really thinking about what I want to do in this stage of life. I am at the my agenda point of 26-30 yrs old. Expect the unexpected
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/23/2006 11:32:00 AM,
March 17, 2006
In recent weeks on NJ.Com in the web-forums aka message boards, there have been an abnormal about of postings that have been deleted. Through investigation members of forums came to find that you could mark a post as "inappropriate" and that would delete everything in that section of conversations. My town has been deleted multiple times and deleting almost months of information which have talked about our Mayor, some of the problems in town and all those start to disappear.

However, let me say that if it was someone in the mayor's office, someone who is just angry with open discussion or an idiot just trying to create problems on NJ.Com's Forums, they helped spawn something which may be better for the community.
The main site has links to places in town, open for information to be posted, A message board, a chat room and RSS Feeds from a local paper. There is a lot more that can be done to this site and I look forward to see what will come of it.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/17/2006 12:40:00 PM,
Random Updates
March 13, 2006
Well let me give some random updates on what has been going on. For the past week I have been getting over a bad case of bronchitis. I thought I was getting better from a regular cold and then thurs afternoon driving my mom back from Trenton (she had knee surgery last week so couldn't drive) I started to get a sever headache, barely could breathe and coughing beyond belief. At one point I swore I was going to pass out. However I was able to get to the doctor and he said it was getting bad. Since then I have been on some kind of super antibiotic which has made my life hell. LOL
Some people were not happy I was sick and canceled events, O well, they will get over it. However I have not hit the gym since wed of last week. So me being the fitness fanatic I am, I have been in a personal hell. Today I get to return.
Speaking of working out, a few people have requested workouts from me. Mostly have given out ab workouts, I am waiting for results.
POP WARNER UPDATE: I will now be the head coach of the 8,9,10 yr old team. As sad as I am to leave my boys from last year, this will be a positive change for the organization as a whole.
Other then all that, nothing much is new and I plan to get back to my regularly scheduled blogging program.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/13/2006 07:44:00 AM,
March 06, 2006
Everyone has a role in the group of people they hang with, associate with or just happen to come across. You most likely do not even know your role. Some roles some people play are:
The Ugly One - Every group has the one ugly person. For some girls, they have a certain group of friends who are less attractive then her, which makes her the center of attention. However, in the case of a group of random people, there is always one really ugly person. However somehow they have someone in their love life and others are jealous of that.
LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME - The person who needs to be the center of attention. Wait, did you try to finish a story and they just interrupted 3 times to give their own story. Everyone looks around like "wtf is this persons issue." Many will ignore it, as for others, the sense of sarcasm takes over and will set this person up to just ramble about anything end everything.
OH No, Its Them - You know that person you try to hide plans from and yet they always seem to find out. Worse they are the person who you try to avoid at the bar or some social event in hopes of them not seeing you. You know how they will come over and leach on. The second they walk away, you and tour friends talk shit on them.
Tell it To Someone That Cares - the person who no matter how great a night is sulking and complaining about everything and anything in their life. It does not have to be anything about the situation at hand. Did they step on a bug earlier that day and brought up terrible memories about a pet beetle that died? They will let you and everyone know. Perfect way for them to try and get that sympathy attention.
Slutty Slut Slut - It moves and is a living, breathing human, they are on top of that. All about the touchy feely and trying to get as much action as possible. They brag about their achievements in bed with hopes they could make you their next happy customer. Flirting is fine, however selling yourself to people just to get ass is another. They will wear almost nothing or will try and have people feel up on them or worse will try and rub hands down the back on legs.
Most likely you know someone that fits that criteria. If you say "o there is no one in our group like that," it most likely means YOUR THAT PERSON!
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 3/06/2006 01:05:00 PM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.