Life Is Like, Picking Your Nose
May 12, 2006

So the title may have gotten your attention, however it makes sense to me. Go figure. However this concept came to me when driving my car. For the past week, I have seen more people picking their noses in their cars then ever. I know it is a bad allergy season, but could it be that bad. However, during this time I noticed different types of people and their reactions.
You have the people who will get caught and be embarrassed. Some who will just be oblivious to the world, however others are noticing heir actions. Some people do it, look at you and continue to do it. Then I started to think, where does their boogers go? Some will flick it to the world, some will just throw to the side, others wipe it on themselves and the seats. I then went further into my thinking. You have people who will dig deep and really work their nose to get rid of the problem, some will try a little and do stop, then you have the ones who will do the external attack and just rub the outside of the nose in hopes that it will jar anything inside loose. Do you think I was done? Nope. I came to think about what may have been pulled out. Was it colored? Bloody? Long and stringy? What about long, dry and painful?
So I then thought about how many situations happen in life, the choices you can make and how you can choose to react to them. You could have a minor to extreme situation going on. Sometimes I may mean you have to work hard and deep to fix the problem or it is as simple as a rub. You may have situations where if you are doing something that is unacceptable (at work for example), you are oblivious that others are noticing you and you continue to talk to people on myspace or read blogs. Yes, life is like picking your nose. So next time you see someone or you yourself are picking away, think, someone is going through the same actions in real life, as your finger works into your nose.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/12/2006 01:25:00 PM,
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This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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