O Grow Up
August 18, 2006
In the past week I have heard a phrase used plenty of times by different people to myself and others. The phrase, "you need to grow up." Now when someone can give me the official definition of "being grown up" and the actions that come with it, please send my way. He is what I do not get.
We spend most of our childhood wishing we could grow up. Then when you become an adult, you wish you could be a child again. However as an adult you go have work, sometimes get some free time to yourself and in that free time you may try to find some time to have fun. However, there are still people who will say "you need to grow up". I asked someone what their vision of grown up was and they could not tell me. I think it is all a state of mind and is whatever you want it to be. I know plenty of grown ups who act like a child and are fun, I know others who are cold and no personality and I know some who know how to balance serious with play.
For all those who tell someone to grow up, maybe you should look at yourself. If you cannot have fun, then let it go. I know people who think drinking a martini, dressing up all the time and hanging up artwork makes them feel all "adult like" when it contradicts their very personalities and what they really are. Don't hide behind an image of some, when your truth will show through actions. Just because you want to act "rich" and that scenario is your vision of "grown up" doesn't mean that others around are buying that crap.
So I say, live your life, laugh at everything (especially yourself), don't take life to seriously and make fun of people who fall down stairs (as long as they get up). Other then that, get the stick out your ass and remember that just because your boring and lack personality, doesn't mean the rest of us have to accept it.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/18/2006 02:20:00 PM,
Yep... I can work with kids
August 10, 2006
Thrilled the other day when after 2 weeks of emails when it should have taken 72 hours, I finally received my American Fitness Training of Athletics certification for Youth/Adolescent Fitness Trainer certification. Basically I am certified to train kids 5-17.
As for football, we are moving a long fast now that we have hitting. Started hitting yesterday and I won the bet that at least 5 kids will try to say they are hurt to not get hit. To bad no one wants to pay up, lol.
Ok that's it, short day
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/10/2006 09:38:00 AM,
Fun With Spam Mail
August 02, 2006
I decided to have a new thing I do with Spam mail. Make use of it in a little thing I call Spam Poetry. Here is what I have created from spam mail I recieved today.
You couldnt get a cash advance with bad credit
Never repay what you awe to creditors, legally
legally ERASE your creditcard debt
Increase your income with an online degree
Why do so many men all over the world choose Penis Enlarge Patch?
$1000 Ikea Gift Card
Put your healthcare career on track
All you need is a paycheck and checking account, and you can get an advance
Find out how much your car is worth
view photos of singles in your town
You could Getaway to Connecticut on Us
Get Payday Loans
- Ryan's Mailbox
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/02/2006 01:09:00 PM,
People Crazy With Their Posts?
Ok, so you read the title and leads you to read about their sometimes long winded posts (I am guilty sometimes) and in the end you have to kind of scratch your head, look at the screen and say, "did I just waste 2 hours of my reading this crap?" It is as if people are writting and at the time justifying their actions along with contradicting what they said happened and finishing it up with a self injected happy shot.
I read blogs all over the place, mainly because they entertain me and for some people it is to keep up with what is going on (sure a phone call would work, but seriously, reading is better, in fact its fundamental) and I always come across some (especially on myspace) that make me want to throw myself a flight of stairs.
Here is a sample o some things I read:
omg, life is so hard for me. Last week I got a job and then since this girl looked better then me in the uniform, I just had to quit. Seriously I will never find a job. Brad goes and leaves Wendy, and Wendy is mad at me for talking to brad and trying to make him feel better. He is a good kisser, but I don't care if she knows I kissed him it is not like she is with him you know? So now she is all mad at me. But you know in the end, I know life will turn around and I will be a better person. Remember, to always smile because you know never know who is falling in love with you.
The only other posts that make me annoyed are chain letter posts. Things you get in chain letters. I intentionally delete them from emails, why am I now seeing them in blogs. It is like I am being haunted!
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/02/2006 11:06:00 AM,
Day 1 Done, Along With Some Fears

I will not deny that as I saw more and more players joining my team, I had a fear of, "how the hell am I going to control close to 35, 8-10 yr olds". On top of this, the other thing going on in the back of my mind is how will these coaches, whom I had met 2 times during the summer, who had been under the original coach, react to my style and take on my coaching beliefs. See, I am what some people would call a "players coach." I, like to have fun, keep it light, but be strict.
When 8:30 pm came around and the kids were going home with play books in hand, half of my fears were settled. The kids did amazing and grasped the new formations and understood things faster then a year prior. The other coaches were in amazement to see that the kids could go on 2. This means for all you non-football fans (down-Set-Hut-hut).
The other half of my fear was thrown out this morning. I talked with one coach last night to go over positions of the kids, yet I knew I had 1 other coach of the 4 I have that I was not too sure on how he felt. In and email this morning he basically said he loved practice and the new ways it done. He especially liked the whistle, bc he feels like an official assistant coach. I do not know why, but that brought a huge smile to my face. To see that something so simple, so tiny an item, brought a bigger meaning to a coach in feeling like he was complete and really a part of the decision making.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 8/02/2006 07:53:00 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.