Life Is Like, Picking Your Nose
May 12, 2006

So the title may have gotten your attention, however it makes sense to me. Go figure. However this concept came to me when driving my car. For the past week, I have seen more people picking their noses in their cars then ever. I know it is a bad allergy season, but could it be that bad. However, during this time I noticed different types of people and their reactions.
You have the people who will get caught and be embarrassed. Some who will just be oblivious to the world, however others are noticing heir actions. Some people do it, look at you and continue to do it. Then I started to think, where does their boogers go? Some will flick it to the world, some will just throw to the side, others wipe it on themselves and the seats. I then went further into my thinking. You have people who will dig deep and really work their nose to get rid of the problem, some will try a little and do stop, then you have the ones who will do the external attack and just rub the outside of the nose in hopes that it will jar anything inside loose. Do you think I was done? Nope. I came to think about what may have been pulled out. Was it colored? Bloody? Long and stringy? What about long, dry and painful?
So I then thought about how many situations happen in life, the choices you can make and how you can choose to react to them. You could have a minor to extreme situation going on. Sometimes I may mean you have to work hard and deep to fix the problem or it is as simple as a rub. You may have situations where if you are doing something that is unacceptable (at work for example), you are oblivious that others are noticing you and you continue to talk to people on myspace or read blogs. Yes, life is like picking your nose. So next time you see someone or you yourself are picking away, think, someone is going through the same actions in real life, as your finger works into your nose.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/12/2006 01:25:00 PM,
Repeat, "Change is Good"
I was taking a look at Dan's Blog and was hysterically laughing at his post. It was about a speaker, those of us in Circle K International had grown to know so to speak. He is a motivational speaker and comic. I remember seeing him in Buffalo. It was his speech and performance that helped me find the words I was looking for. It was a single word, but this one word makes people cringe in fear. It is "change".
Dan gives the basics on what he is about:
So for your enjoyment, I have embedded the ending of Jud's performance and his trademark close:"For those uninitiated folks, Jud is an "inspirational comedian". His mascot--Bob the Big Boy. Jud is on a campaign to have a picture of Bob the Big Boy in every country in the world. His message--Life is Change. And Jud is an expert at getting his message across through hilarious, yet powerful, stage shows. He is a good friend to the Kiwanis Family, and I've probably seen him speak and/or perform 5 or 6 times now. And I loved it every time.
While Jud's message and delivery alone are enough to put him in the upper echelon of speakers I've seen, Jud has a trademark close--The Evolution of Dance. The idea is that dancing, like life, has changed a lot over the years. Some changes were better than others. Jud sums it up this way; "Life may not always be the party we hoped for, but while we're here, we might as well dance."
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/12/2006 01:14:00 PM,
Yes or No is Only Half of It
May 05, 2006
You know when you see those perfect proposal shows, the guy has sweat running down his face? Yeah well now I understand why. There is a lot of pressure on guys when it comes to this whole process. Get the right ring, know the right things to say, ask father for permission, find a way to make it memorable.
I knew the answer was going to be yes, I however, when going through the process of the asking was a nervous wreck. I mean, yeah in my head I thought I was doing something memorable and different, but what if it was different for her? I also know of people who had asked their girlfriends and they were almost taken back by how cheesy, plain or un-original it was.
There are only so many tips that they give guys for engagements, besides ideas. They will tell you, it will not go perfectly, do not pick a certain date for it to be done outside (bc you can't plan weather) and just be yourself. What they do not tell you is that, no matter how prepared you are, how much you can know it will be yes, how perfect everything is going, when it comes to asking, your ass is going to want to pass out.
To all those who plan on doing it in the future, that is my only advice to you. Just be ready to be nervous, however, in the end, it is completely worth it.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/05/2006 11:45:00 AM,
Somebody's Getting Married
May 04, 2006
Well this news will be coming as a shock to some and expected by others. So many people may be asking, since when did you have a girl friend? When were you dating? How? I will get to all of that in a second. However, I did ask Dori to marry me and sad to say, she said yes. LOL
Now for some of the questions. Basic history of Dori and I. She attended a High School dance of mine back in 1997 called the Snow Ball. We caught eyes, did not really talk, but I did question her date later about who she is. We crossed paths in the Mall and the miniature golf course over the year and never had a conversation. Eventually she found me on AOL and became friends. I was dating someone and she was too. After about 6 months of chatting online, the eventual end of relationships, we went on a date. Dated for roughly 3.5 years after that. Then we started to confuse everyone around us and ourselves at times. We did not get back together until ummmmm recently. However, we have always been close and became closer through the past couple years, closer then when were dating.
So many will be asking, why now? What is the change? Eventually you sit back and notice that a lot of the answers have been right in front of you the whole time. My friends Abiola, Darryl, Dan, family and others have said it for a long time that we would end up marrying each other. Though I was out to prove them all wrong, not always believing it myself, I finally came to see that I was happiest when we were together and that she makes me a better person. Among other things, she is one of the few people on the planet that can handle my sense of humor, knows my personal struggles and has always accepted me for me.
There will be some people who will feel happy for us and there will be people who will for one reason or another be jealous, upset or even pissed at one of us, my bet, it will be at me.

Being the person I am and not wanting to be too traditional with a dinner or something elaborate, I had to be sneaky, funny and different. I also kept to a joke I have said for over 9 years. I always said I would ask someone to marry me with a ring from a Cracker Jacks box and see how the girl would react. If she would say yes to a plastic ring, I would give the real one. So here is how it went down.
We will meet for lunch from time to time and I just got the ring on Tuesday. So I decided, like with most things I do, if I was going to do it, to just go and do it. I went and got a cracker jack box, took out the prize, opened it carefully and took out the sticker prize. I then wrote a note that asked her to marry me and folded it to fit into the prize wrapper. I then inserted the ring inside the note, sealed the package and placed it all in the box.
I joked about how I was given the box by a co-worker and that I knew that one prize was a sticker and she goes, "I would laugh if it was the same prize." I could not have asked for a more perfect set up. So I said I finally found the prize, and opened it. With a look of being upset that its the same prize, I said, "here you can have it" and handed her the note. When she looked at the note, she turned around and with a look of shock, I was on one knee and popped the question.
With that, I kept to my ability to get her off guard and make my father proud. Thank you to all my friends and family who know already and sent their emails, phone calls and IMs. To the rest who read this, I guess I will see how many people keep to talking to me. As one person said, you would be surprised who was a true friend for friendship vs those who only wanted more.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/04/2006 08:02:00 AM,
Today A Day Without immigrants?
May 01, 2006
hahahaha this could only be a dream come true, however all of them are still here. Here is my suggestion, do they want to prove what it would be like for a day? Have them all leave the country for the day.... And prove it! Go ahead... Only this time we lock the door.
My suggestion: Guns on the border, shoot anyone crossing on site, both borders.
Make them all have to speak English, sing the national anthem in English, no other language.
What I do not get is this. They are called "ILLEGAL ALIENS" key word, ILLEGAL! So if it is ok for them to do illegal things, lets all go up to them, bash their heads in and say hey "no habla engles". I hate this shit. grrrr
I say round them all up, send them out.... They come back illegally, shoot em. Do it right, stay the night.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/01/2006 08:50:00 AM,
Some Good Things Happening
I just want to take some time to do what I have done in the past. Time to do some public congratulations.
- Dion & Laurie: congrats on finally becoming officially engaged.
- Dan: Congrats on bringing a FL girl to the City o Wind.
- Lindsey: Congrats for attempting to survive 4 seasons of weather and not just 1.
- Stephanie: Congrats for graduating
- Cracka Ass Cracka: Congrats on your up and coming move to Arizona. NY won't be the same.
- Jill: Congrats on coming back to M-Town. You have shown that there is no hope in leaving the clutches of our home town.
- Dip: Congrats for not annoying me for 1 whole day. Really that is an accomplishment. lol
- Congrats to the NJ Devils for sweeping the Rangers in round 1 of playoffs.
- Congrats for Giants on having a semi-decent draft season.
Well that is it. If you have anything I missed, well I guess someone hasn't given me any info lately. LOL
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 5/01/2006 07:14:00 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.