What is it About Pick-up Lines?
February 28, 2006

Ever notice, like a bad kiss you can remember some terrible pick-up lines? Why is that? To dive even deeper into this, why does it seem to work on people? Ok, the standard answer will always be, "bc it gets my attention" or "its different". No, here is the reason, because they actually came up to you. See, myself would suffer from fear of rejection. I don't like it, I won't deal with it. However some people get rejected all the time and just keep going at it. This is great for them. That is how the following equation all adds up. Ugly + Beautiful = Couple. It is that easy.
However I do enjoy pick-up lines and here are few (Dan, some will blow yours away):
To the Point
- Do you sleep on your stomach? No. Can I?
- I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue.
- If I were to ask you for sex, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?
- I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag.
- Do you wanna have kids with me??? No? Then do you just wanna practice?
The Interesting
- Do you work for UPS? 'Cause I swear I saw you checking out my package!
- Is your name Gillette? ...Because you're the best a man can get.
- True, there are a lot of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'd like to catch and mount back at my place
- You make me so nervous and flustered, I've completely forgotten my standard pick-up line.
- Have I seen you before? OH yeah it was in the dictionary under the word KABLAM!!!
The Slick and not surprised if it worked
- I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you.
- Be unique and different, say yes.
Now I have only witnessed a few really be used and work and I have had a few said to me. Usually I used to get "are you legs tired? Because you been running through my mind all night". C'mon people I know you talked about the terrible kisses what about the pick-up lines?
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/28/2006 01:58:00 PM,
Your Worst Kiss?!
February 24, 2006
First off, sorry for the delay in updating, had my bday weekend and then got lazy, what can I say? However, through some general conversations on AIM and MySpace messages, I thought I would ask people, what is your worst kiss you have ever had?
I started to laugh because I can think of some which were TERRIBLE! I am however like a Sienfeld Episode, always categorizing people. I definitely categories the types of kissers.
The Snake- the person who doesn't open their mouth or very little and just stick their tongue out and in every few seconds
The Dead Snake- similar to above, however they seem to sick their tongue out, but do not move it at all! It just lays there... And you think... What am I supposed to do?
The Driller- This person gets involved, however feels it is their job to clean out your mouth and throat while kissing. They shove their tongue all the way in and move it around. They just dive right in and don't let you do much because you are fighting to breathe.
Face Swallower- You know usually when you kiss, you have the lips on lips? This person likes to include the whole face and nose in 1 mouth opening. Seriously thinking you have to match them and know you cannot open your mouth as wide. For a guy its reassuring to know she can get her mouth that wide (::SLAP:: I did it for you ladies). However this leads to drool. Which like at a dentist when they don't do enough suction can suck when it goes down your chin and onto your shirt.
The Pecker - They never completely go for a full kiss.... They will just peck you to death. They peck your lips, neck and ears, but I swear they do not have a tongue or know how to lock lips for more then 1 second.
So I know some of you have had bad kisses or types of kissers. What do you all have?
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/24/2006 09:36:00 AM,
One Month Huh?
February 16, 2006
I do not know why I get so annoyed at it, but why do some people celebrate "monthly anniversaries"? Especially 1 month! See I would not have been set off by this, if I didn't come across a profile on my MySpace which has this as the girls title:

I think if you are celebrating 1 month, you will have a terrible relationship, especially if I was the bf. Why? It is showing your celebration for such a small time frame. You are showing you have a hard time making it this far. Its like "OMG, let go look at rings, because we talk online all the time and see each other maybe 2 times a week"
Listen, I firmly believe there are a few stages in a relationship (normal ones where you see the person)
1-3 Months - Honeymoon, everyone is happy, maybe have a few arguments here. However usually in 1 month you decide if this will go for another 2 months.
3-6 Months - Testing the waters on this person. You may have some spats and wanting to kill them, however this is where you are really getting to know the REAL person.
6-9 Months- Hopefully it is not only about sex. However this is what I call the fight or flight time. Are you goin to stik around and waste your time or is there something really there.
9-12 Months- hey what the hell you made it this far, lets start getting ready for 1 yr celebration (this is ok). Start to think to self, hell if anything, lets just make the yr.
Start most of cycle over again, however there is more talk of a solid future, trust is challenged and people get neurotic. Girls talk marriage, guys fear freedom. Either way, its a fun ride.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/16/2006 12:42:00 PM,
My Valentines Day Positive Post From A Single Guy
February 14, 2006

Today lovers, people seeking love, and those who have been burned by the ones they loved or have given up all together will in one way or another celebrate. A day which has created much animosity towards those couples who are out, holding hands and giving roses and cards. Sharing deep glances into their other's eyes and getting lost in the moment. They are in their own world, yet the show and object of many other's jealousy.
Many hate the day, because they like myself feel it is fake. It was created by Hallmark. However, I do realize the small token of having it. Remember when you were in school and you gave valentines cards or the little conversation hearts? You would be eager to see what you got, however even more so to see who liked what you gave them. Some were the simple Superman and carebear ones, and some where hand made, however everyone seem to get one. Either way you gave someone a little something to know they were thought of and appreciated. Were you ever the one who did not receive one? It was then, when we were at our most innocent times and often eager to give to the others in class, that we saw the true meaning. It was simply showing them you appreciated them.
As much as I am not always a fan of the day, I do not get jealous of those who are celebrating their love. I do not think the flowers and candy are the main ways to show they love someone. This being that over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. No, I look for the people who are married over 20 + years and look to the old couples, who many are in awe of when they walk hand in hand in a park. How do they do it? Was it that rose he bought her years ago? I doubt it, but I bet he lets her know how much she means to him and she does the same.
For those who are extreme anti-Valentines day, you will not remember these feelings when you are head over heels in love. You will prob laugh at those who "were once like you" and say there is hope. My advice is, there are people you care about who would love a card or a phone call just knowing you are thinking about them. Their reaction to that would be like that of grade school. Knowing they appreciated the fact that you were thinking of them. How in less then 2 months do we go from all about giving, to being all about receiving?
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/14/2006 10:41:00 AM,
For All The Rest Of The Single World, Looking For Cupid
Don't worry, I already killed the BASTARD!

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/14/2006 10:28:00 AM,
Hmmm Freedom Of Speech??? Not if Crazy Muslims Have Their Way
February 09, 2006

What makes this whole thing funny, well sad really, is that the guy who stirred this all up, created false cartoons, then after the artist made an apology from the DANISH paper, these crazies are now going after the Jews. I say every fucker who is protesting and talking shit, should be shot on site. This would cure a lot of problems. Like I said before, when the terrorists are having their parades in their cities, we fire hell fire missiles on their asses.
This is one guy in London who wants to protest, but wants that freedom to go to hell. WTG there genius:

He looks like a native English man.
I have found the cartoons that are part of this outrage. Go here for the complete list of them http://blog.newspaperindex.com/2005/12/10/un-to-investigate-jyllands-posten-racism/
Here is one:
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/09/2006 11:20:00 AM,
This Was Created By An Adult
You tell me if you see something here (picture below). Trying to make a statement on their dislike for the Hallmark Day of Crap. As you can tell, I'm not a fan of the day of fakeness, but even a lesser fan of those who comment on those who do celebrate it with each other. The complainers who say how they hate those people. Shut up, your jealous. I hate it bc $20 Roses are now $200 and what do I get in return? The glory of losing money? I hate to say it, but girls who complain about getting sexxy underwear along with the dinner and flowers and candy, should shut it.... The guy is simply asking for something for him. LOL
However the real reason for this post is this picture. See if you can spot this genius's work.

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/09/2006 10:04:00 AM,
Vest Guy- The Sighting Is Caught
Well as promised, I said I would get you all a pic of this creature. I have. Be it that it is blury, you can see his trademark red shorts, white shirt and black vest. I tried not to get to close for fear that the smell would kill me.

posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/09/2006 07:33:00 AM,
The Best Commercial in Recent Years. After Sep. 11
February 06, 2006
One of my favorite and many other's favorite Super Bowl Commercials of our time is the Budweiser one after 9-11 with the clydesdale horses going to a knee looking over to Manhattan. There was nothing in this commercial that said buy this beer. It was very very very tastefully done and many shot it down. So to give it another shot at being seen, click the link below.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/06/2006 10:25:00 AM,
Super Bowl XL... Had XL Commercials
The game was boring most of the time, other parts it got interesting. I will admit though, for the first time in a long time, about 75% of the commercials were quality.
I loved the Clydesdale commercial along with the hidden Bud Lights the best. Some have ranked the Fed Ex one up high, I don't think so. I was a fan of the Sprint Locker Room commercial because of the security feature. That is what made it move onto my list. I love monkeys, they make me laugh so you know a monkey smoking and burning money was going to be a favorite of mine. I am going to list my Favorite commercials in order. (to view the commercials online, go to: ifilm.com/superbowl)If you play these and they do not stop playing, just refresh page
1. Budweiser: Clydesdale American Dream
2. Hidden Bud Lights
3. Ameriquest Mortgage Co: That Killed Him
4. CareerBuilder: Monkey Party
5. Sprint: Locker Room
6. FedEx: Caveman
7. Michelob Ultra: Touch Football
8. Budweiser: Superfan (streaker)
The Commercials that sucked! I have to admit, some of them sucked bigtime. Especially the car commercials. Here are the rest. My brother and I could not be nice during the Self Esteem Commercial. The Gillette one took forever to know it was about a razor, reminded me of the 1984 Apple Commercial. Burger King just freaked me out and Pepsi tried way to hard.
1. Dove Self-Esteem
2. Hummer
3. Burger King
4. Pizza Hut
5. Pepsi
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/06/2006 08:47:00 AM,
=/ hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
February 02, 2006
yeah I would write something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldnt be my style. Since I am completely brain dead right now, I will get back to ya with a better posting.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 2/02/2006 10:12:00 AM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
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I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.