Complete Randomness
January 27, 2006
As usually I was in the shower and many thoughts came to mind. I find when I'm in the shower that I am bombarded by information from the cosmos that many do not think of.
* You know when people are asked, "if you could meet with anyone famous, living or dead who would it be and why?" I thought, well why the hell would they want to eat lunch with you? What makes you so special, for them to take time out from heavenly charades or some movie shoot to meet with you? Then what about the real irony if they were complete opposite of what they are like. For instance. Most guys will say they want to meet Vince Lombardy, what if they meet him and hes like "you know I don't really like football, lets talk about a rose garden or something."
* Did you know that a Kangaroo is a relative of the rabbit? Kind of reminds me of a T-Rex of rabbits. Small arms, huge body. I could imagine how it was created. T-Rex is all mad because he cant ever touch himself. You know he's frustrated sometimes. Rabbit comes along "why what's wrong?" he goes "I cant touch myself and I need loving" rabbit thinking she has a solution. "ill take care of you if you promise not to eat me" Well he goes ok.... Gives his love juice and Pop comes a Kangaroo
* I often believe that our pets are in charge of us. We throw them toys for their enjoyment, we clean up their crap, we feed them and we give them places to live. Hmmmmmm who is the pet?
* This hit me when I recently heard how boys are not scoring a lot lower in school then girls. This has been a steady increase and some say it is because girls mature faster. I agree. They look better faster, they are smarter younger, but for checks and balances purposes, when guys catch up, girls go backwards. They start to go insane at least 1 week a month, they start to lose their bodies and start to like the bad guys and leave the good ones. While the guys start to get better looking and smart enough to know and remember the girls who screwed them. However at a certain point it all evens out and you have the mix we have today. Just look at Jerry Springer and Maury. LOL
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/27/2006 11:25:00 AM,
My Quarterlife Crisis... Make It Stop!
January 24, 2006

Imagine this: you are in your mid-20s, graduated college and still trying to figure out the world. You have a job and what most may look as a pretty decent life. However in your mind, you are in a prison and are constantly being whipped by your fears, your internal enemies and you cannot do anything about it.
This is what my days and nights have been like for the past couple days. I have joked before about going through a Quarter Life Crisis, this time is no joke.
I was just going through a normal day and it was suprisingly well. Then all the sudden I found myself getting really pissed off. I was starting to go through situations and conversations in my head with people close to me and I was reacting to them. ( I would explain these, but now know people close to my family and actual family members read my blog).
Then I started to realize little things that people have said to me and I have said to myself, these things grew to be big deals, to the point I had to stop what I was doing and walk away. Then from that point on, everything is like a vice grip on my brain, squeezing my anxiety out and pushing my stress meter to explode. I has gotten so bad that at random times I just break down, sitting there feeling like I cannot get away from the thoughts and my anger at myself and others.
Like right now, I feel a sense of tension, because I have to watch what I write. I do not like being controlled or feeling like I have no control of my life or situations. Why should I feel like I have to walk on egg shells because some people are too fucking nosy to have to feel they need to read my blog. This was my release and now I will have to try and find another one or until I figure their IPs so that I can block them.
However some may be still confused about what I could be haunted by and what I could be thinking about. Simply I am not happy with where I am in life, I am not where I thought I would be, where I know I could be, I look to the future and know how things happening now will only continue to hurt me into the future. I feel like I made one to many mistakes along the way and now I even question my abilities.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/24/2006 09:31:00 AM,
Breakingpoint Coming
January 22, 2006
In short... I think I am about to have a nervous breakdown. My mind if fucking with me and taking over my thoughts and putting situations in place to only make me want to punch someone.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/22/2006 08:30:00 AM,
The Gym: An Abyss of Human Comedy
January 20, 2006
Well some people seem to really enjoy the gym stories (Lindsey and wanting to know about the vest guy everyday).
Face it, you are going to run into all types of people no matter where you go. However, I feel that at the gym is where you will find some of the broadest specimens of humans on this planet. There are all types of people, beyond the smelly ones, old naked guys and needle shooters.
The sweat rag: It is amazing how many times you go to the gym, see the same people and some people just look the same. They could be there for years, working hard and not look like they lose a pound, however they are drenched in sweat. Seriously are dripping sweat from even their sneakers. I think they could walk around and all you would here is ::squish:: ::squish:: like the sounds of just getting in from the rain and walking into a food store, where you do whatever you can for 5 min to stop that damn sound. There was once a guy there who would carry about his own beach towel. Never knew why, because I was always leaving when he came in. I stayed late one day and all I can say was, you would have thought he jumped in the pool and jumped out.
Wanna Be Personal Trainer: Now, I will admit, before I got my certification, I would help people on form and give tips. This came from my background at GNC and lifting since HS, you learn certain things. However, I am talking about the guy who comes to you and starts trying to give you tips and so forth. You try to be nice and say thanks and go about your business, but he is persistent and wants to help you. But you go into your memory bank of people you never want to spot you in fear that you lift something heavy and might not be able to finish a set and this is the guy who was on the list. HE WAS #1. This guy can't do 1 pushup, never does anything right and is now telling you what to do. Fastest way to get rid of them is ask "o so your certified?" they say no. If you are or not just say, "o because my certification says I'm right."
The Bitch: O yes, the women at the gym are not off limits. I am impressed if a woman will come into the free weight area since many look at that as the "land of the apes". But no, I am talking about the women who, like some men, think since they came in the room or near that equipment, that everything needs to stop and go their way. Imagine a guy doing some heavy weight. Been in the same spot for 5 min, has 1 set to go. Gets up to get a drink and returns only to find someone throwing his stuff to the side and someone jumping on. O yes people, this happens. People told her that someone was there and using the equipment. Her answer "well he is not here right now, so I am taking it", WRONG ANSWER! This was taken care of really fast. Saw where she put her purse, went and picked it up. Said "well your not here using it, so its mine now." She gets up, guy jumps back on equipment. PRICELESS. However, I witnessed another Diva. On the elliptical and watching ESPN, someone else was watching Judge Joe Brown and another TV was like Martha Living or something. Well this woman comes over with a staff member and is like, "change this TV to channel 7 so I can watch Oprah." Staff member asks people if they are watching the TV, Judge Joe Brown woman says she is watching it and then as they are going to change the TV I was looking at, I go "watching it, don't even think about it" and she had a fit. I did cardio a lil longer that day.
P.S. Vest Guy was not in the gym yesterday, but there was sighting on Wed when I did not go in. People are trying to obtain pictures of this mysterious human
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/20/2006 09:35:00 AM,
Its a Smelly World
January 18, 2006

I am haunted by bad smells everyday.
You have my office manager who could kill you in one breath. I swear acid agents could not take the smell away. Imagine taking your morning breath add a garlic after taste, 3 cartons of cigarettes and a rotting animal on the road in 1 person's mouth and that is what you got.
What I do not get is like many who have terrible breaths, they have to be close talkers. Those people make me nuts to begin with. However when she comes to talk to me at my desk, I hold my breath for a long period of time. Sometimes I turn beat red and have to breath. This is when I pass out.
Next you have the Vest guy at the gym. He continues to make some of the non-showering Indians smell like roses. As an attempt to make a point, one girl at the gym, pulled out of her gym bag a bottle of Febreeze. I basically told her that I now bow down to her for doing what she did. Here is the scenario. He passes by while me and her are talking. Of course we already heard the warnings, "guys the vest guy is here today" and we went about our business. She goes, that's it, gets her gym bag, pulls out the bottle and walks his way with a towel. Lies next to him on the mats (she hates her life we guess) and says "I'm sorry, I have this quirky thing that I need to spray this, I hope you don't mind" of course he lets her... However, when he turns his back, she sprayed his vest. Then got up and left.
Last but not least is a sad one. My Dog BJ. He is a smelly dog in his old age. Its his breath. I have tried everything from giving him toothpaste, bones and other things to clean the bad breath. I guess I can only be happy he doesn't like to lick people. But god help you if you lay near him and he yawns.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/18/2006 09:59:00 AM,
Hoping The Past Isn't My Future

Well after saying to myself, "Ryan, you will go to this meeting, be formally put in as the webmaster and part of the board of directors and go about your business." I think many know as well as I do that this wasn't going to end that way. I walked into the meeting at 7:30 as a Head Coach and unofficial webmaster walked out at 9:45 as a Head Coach, Webmaster and Fundraising Chairman. YAY for me right? LOL
I enjoy the work and it isn't much really, however a little fear came over me. What if the same things happen to me as they did in Circle K. For those who do not know, Circle K international is a collegiate service organization. At the club level it is amazing and make a huge difference. As you move on, the politics take over and no matter what good you do, there are the evils trying to bring you down. In CKI I went from club president all the way to International Vice-President. Though when I was I-VP, I could care less about anything really, I just wanted to graduate college. It was Governor when the nightmare happened.
Imagine knowing that you are taking a position in an organization in chaos. You had the axis of evil aka the click and then the members. I never wanted to be in the click I only wanted to destroy them. I was elected into office bc as many said, I was the right person to give the District a kick in the ass. Yap, I beat out Scott and Lauren (2 people who failed miserably trying to bring me down in the election, Scott who will later lose at international and district governor yet again). However, I brought on a lot of people who I did not like, but had skills I could use on the board to get my goals achieved. I know Dennis a Kiwanis kiss ass who talked more shit behind people's backs then anyone and later tried to act like all was well and blame college kids for some of the drama he created, wanted me out. Tom was jealous, Michele was an idiot and had no common sense. I had a great Editor who later had to be let go, he was definitely one of my favorite board members ever, since we were both crazy. I had an LTG who left for personal reasons and seems like the friendship went with it. She was good and liked by everyone. Had a lot of potential and still does. I took on a kid who many did not think would succeed and gave him an opportunity to shine, he is now the Governor. Funny though how people forget who helped them and gave them chances. Power Corrupts. However, I did have a major ally on the board and still my best friend who did amazing things in her areas and later became Governor. Shut a lot of people up when you succeed when others try to bring you down.
However after all the drama, the hard decisions, going against popular belief, the membership rose, more community service was done, higher turnouts at events and guess what, many were not happy. Was not because they did not see the results, they all did, because I made sure credit was given to where it was due. This made them have to accept their role on a board that did do good things. No they were upset because it was not them in office, that things did not go their way it was simply about them, not the members.
This (after that long monologue) leads me to this fear. What if this board forgets its about the kids. It is not a hidden problem that the politics in this organization has torn it apart and hurt it in many ways. We have an uphill battle and I do not know all the players in this drama yet. We shall see, but like I did before, I will move on doing the right thing and not forget who it is about. Unlike: Scott, Dennis, Tom, Mike, Mike, Michele, Joey, Emily, Liz, Lauren. (yep ill name drop because I can)
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/18/2006 09:23:00 AM,
Weekend Update
January 16, 2006
Well this was one weird weekend in a sense. Here is what happened:
Survivor: well my friend and I met up Friday night to take the needed pics for the audition (face shot and body shot) and were going to get printed in the morning at Walgreens. However they do not do anything, even through the computer you are supposed to be able to walk up to and do your own work until 8am. This threw off the schedule. So I made an executive decision and will be sending in my own video instead. This I have found works to my benefit, because you can show your personality more.
Football: Well it was the weekend of upsets. The Colts, Bears (sorry Dan, but both our teams got beat by the cats), and New England. I really do not care anymore who wins, but will still watch the Superbowl and hope for 2 decent teams.
Volunteering: Some may know, some may not, but I am a volunteer head coach for local Pop Warner team. They are ages 9-12 and I absolutely enjoy it. I figure if I cannot play the sport anymore, I will help develop some players to enjoy the game as I did. I was contacted last night being told the board of Directors would like me to come on board. I figure why not! So I will be going tonight to the meeting and start moving up the ranks. I know what some people are thinking right now and no, don't worry, I don't plan on being commissioner or President anytime soon.
Blog: looks like some people stopped by the blog during the weekend. Thanks people for the comments, I am glad to see I am not alone in my assessment. I am currently checking out some of the blogs of the people who came by. Good stuff out there. Make sure to click on the links on the side and visit those sites. If you have a blog you think I would be interested in, leave it as a comment and I will link it if it gets my attention =)
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/16/2006 08:09:00 AM,
Blog Land.. Lots of People, Little Friends
January 13, 2006
I will admit, in my 3 or so years of blogging (yes many different domains and blogs) I have noticed a little fact. Well maybe not so small.
There must be millions of blogs from people of all ages. Some who write about life and others about nothing. Some people enjoy reading other people (like myself) and some never read another souls blog. However as much as you could blogroll the world, how many actually create a friendship or annual acquaintance with another persons blog.
I find that sometimes I blog to the entertainment of myself and friends which gather some comments and other times about nothing which still gather comments from the same people, however link sharing is not to be found. I know it will be time till I am seen more through the web with this blog, however I envy those who have an active readership, can write 3 lines that make no sense and still get 40 comments. It baffles me.
To those who do read and comment, thank you, trust me, makes it worth to write more when you know someone other then yourself is reading content. I know I am not alone in feeling the envy and wanting to be more involved with some other sites but as I have done in the past, let whatever happens, happen.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/13/2006 08:31:00 PM,
"New Jersey, Come See For Yourself"
Ahhh yes, the new state slogan. Not to bad considering what was offered.
For those of you out there who know someone from NJ or are from NJ you have to admit something. For a state that gets picked on often and has its problems, many of the residents of NJ are proud to be from NJ. We wear it like a badge. "yeah I'm from NJ, gotta problem?" or "yeah we have Camden, second year in a row as being the most unsafe place to live in America, woop woop!" New Jersey is my home, I do not want to leave this great state, however I will bet that in another yr or 2 the Avg home will be 1 Mill at the lowest. I think the state slogans should have been:
- NJ - Use our beaches, Shop our malls, Buy our cheap gas, but you can't afford a 1 bed room apt here!
- NJ - 21 Counties at least 7 different smells
- NJ yes we are the piece of land between NYC and Philly
- NJ at least not all of politicians are corrupt
- NJ home of the Gay American
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/13/2006 08:19:00 AM,
I'm Gonna Do It
January 12, 2006

Well after a few years of talking about it, I am finally going through with my threat to friends and family that I would apply for Survivor. Chance of me getting on are like the chances of me winning the lottery, but would I be good for TV? YOU KNOW IT!
Saturday, early in the morning I will be treching to NYC to get in line at the Javits Center. It is from 10 am - 12noon. Keep your fingures crossed. My friend who is coming with me is going to apply as well, though I told her that if she gets on and I don't, we will never speak again. I never miss an episode and she has never seen a complete season. Either way at least I can say I tried.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/12/2006 09:04:00 AM,
Vest Guy Gets Mad
January 11, 2006
Well yesterday the Vest guy I talked about in The Fat Shedding, Smelling, Jammed Time of Year, came over to where I was doing my ab workout, which means I'm almost done in the gym. Well here is our convo:
VG- "hey what's up"
Me- "Not to much, just finishing up"
VG- "Question"
Me- "Ok"
VG- "Why is that whenever I come into the gym some of the guys are staring at me and then leave."
Me- "Because you smell like crap"
VG- "Excuse me"
Me- "Dude, you need to seriously wash your clothes and take a shower or something, because your killing me right now. We all notice you wear the same damn clothes. Read the article on the wall, I think you will notice some highlighted areas."
VG- "Man, I don't know what your talking about"
Me-" try this experiment, go take a shower, wear different clothes tomorrow, and then the next day small your 'workout' clothes and tell me if you pass out"
At this time he walked away to a stationary bike, in which 2 people on both sides of him got up and left. Was quite sad yet hysterically funny.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/11/2006 08:08:00 AM,
Woman Code: My Enemy
January 10, 2006

Ask any guy and we will tell you, we cannot stand the woman code. O yes, the code! Women you cannot deny it! You will say one thing and mean 3 other things all in which we have to figure out.
In recent times I have been talking to people about some of the things that get me all crazy about women. For instance here is my break down of just a few:
Does this make me look fat? If we say yes we are in trouble, if we say no we are in trouble. However I am the combatant who will take one for the team and then fight back. I always say yes! Because I look at it as it something making her appear fat, not saying she is fat herself. Then I will argue that she never wanted me to lie and I am only being honest like she has always wanted me to be and I would never lie. However, I then pose the question of, "if you didn't really want to know, then why did you ask me? Next time just tell me what you want to hear and I will say it."
I hate men! Funny, they hate you to! Usually your take on the opposite sex is written across you head. We do however know this is code for you saying "can you prove me wrong." I don't fall for it, because I think if someone is going to have to try and make themself hate people of the opposite sex to calm down their slutish ways, then let them, but like I said, it only makes them look bad. I have talked to a few people through school and online who always said they hated men. I asked why, they say, "simple, they are jerks". ahhhh way to answer the question genius. Later you find out it is because they were screwed over, I told them women do the same thing, but doesn't stop guys often. If she wanted proof of women being just as bad, I told her to watch Maurey and how many women can't figure out who their baby's father is. Women listen, men you too. Do not openly say you hate the opposite sex for some crazy shit, because it just shows some of your baggage and lets people know they have to work harder.
All Men want is sex: And Just about 90% of women to! Do not even try and deny it you are just lying to yourself. Like I said before, we know how to combat this and know that it is really something you want just as bad. Honestly, most women will sleep with guys to feel that they are wanted and loved. You create your own hell.
and my #1 thing I cannot stand is......
You're just too nice for me: Which leads to men saying "all good guys finish last." Ladies you say you do not agree with that statement, but will be the first to break up with a guy and use that line. That is worse then "I think we should just be friends." However seriously, you know what that sounds like? Imagine this:
You are on a job interview and the employer says:
Wow this is an amazing resume, really is by far the best and most qualified person for the position. However, We will not be hiring you. But you are by far the most perfect person for this job. We will use you to measure all the other applicants but will settle for some abusive alcoholic. We may even call you at 2 am some nights to complain about them and remind you how perfect you are and how we wish we could have hired you.
Ladies remember, you keep dropping the good guys, you will one day sit back and wonder why you cannot find anyone who is nice. You know the ones you let go? Here is a tip, the guys you think you can change from being assholes, only become bigger ones!
As for the guys, we will continue to try and study and figure out your minds. I will make this statement though. Be true to who you are and never change for anyone. I am proud to love football, lifting, write poetry, enjoy theater, my family, friends and doing community service. For I know one person, because I enjoy to do community service and enjoy theater I am not looked at as being masculine. I look at it as she has never really known a man and only hangs with little boys who try to look cool. This the same person who could fall into everything above, insecure, shallow and lacking of all class. But then again, that is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/10/2006 08:12:00 AM,
Trapped by Our Own Mind
January 05, 2006

I was on and read this article "My Girlfriend's Kinky Threesome". Now I know your thinking something bad here, but in all reality it is the thinking in the guys mind which is common to everyone.
Ever talk to someone you are interested in, dating or even married to and learn some information about them that just sticks in your mind for no reason but for your own personal torture? Well lets narrow this down, to basically this article. Say you are on a date, you know this person and the topic of sex comes up. This has come up before and now new information comes up. They talk about how they were once telling their friends some secrets about their sex life and it got out and how embarrassing it was for them. :: TRIGGER:: Now your mind is wondering, well what about what we have done? What have they said about me? What do they know? What will they know?
A prisoner in your own web of thoughts and fears. The more they go on with the story, the more you feel like you are doing a horror movie with the shrieking sounds from Psycho playing. Everything you can find that you did wrong is playing out. You forget the positive things.....::Back to reality:: they ask you for some info and now you hold back, you want to share to keep the conversation going, you want to ask what they know and at the same time worried, what will go against you!
Even when you try your best to change the topic, you cannot get it out of your head. Feeling like you are being judged by every detail to the topic of someone's conversation which could leather lead to someone's embarrassment. You meet one of their friends and want to introduce yourself as the person who "couldn't get it up that night" but you know, it was because it was 30 degrees in that car and were in a public parking lot.
Time will pass and maybe this one line they once said will have gone to a distant memory. Your actions will no longer be the subject of "what will they say" that is until, you walk into a room when they are with their friends, a quick laugh, conversation stops and you are left to think, "Oh no, what did they say about me".
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/05/2006 10:39:00 AM,
That Fat Shedding, Smelling, Jammed Time Of Year
January 04, 2006

So I get off the treadmill after a decent run for my cardio and abs day and I go to get the cleaning spray and paper towel and see this article posted with some highlighting done. The Home News Tribune. I knew right away who to go to. She is a trainer there and said, "how did you know" and I just said "because your like me, we say it as it is". This was a big thing to the new people.
We started laughing hysterically because the day before me and some other regulars at the gym were commenting on the same things. The smell from the people the first day or working out in the new year was so bad, people started to walk out of the gym. This is why we wear deodorant in America.
Another pet-peeve of mine is the people who stare at you. They are just so blatant about it to. I was on the stability ball doing an advanced move (jack knives) and this guy who was watching me, sees me leave, I turn around and watch him and his whole body flew off and his crashed into the mirrored wall. I was going to help him, but I couldn't stop laughing. Another guy was doing dumbbell curls, sees a guy squatting 225lbs, he decides he wants to do it. We offer to spot him, though he also smells like all hell, but he declines. He pulls the bar back, and squats down (easy part) but cannot get up. We go to save his ass and lift the bar up, tell him to start out with lower weight, I guess he was embarrassed and said "no I am just worn out from my workout" even though he was there for 15 minutes.
We have a guy we call "Vest Boy". This guy for over a year wears the SAME CLOTHES every time he was at the gym. We hadn't seen him for 2-3 months and he came in yesterday, with the same clothes and the same vest he always wears. Some of us are thinking about taking up a collection and buying him some Axe body spray, detergent, and a new vest. Because when I say he smells, O boy you better run for the other side of the room.
Read the article if you haven't already. Don't be the person I blog about. LOL
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/04/2006 09:36:00 AM,
New Year Resolutions
January 03, 2006
This is that time of year where we all make self promises to get in better shape, financially in order and whatever else comes to mind. It is a time to look ahead and plan to the future and start with a clean slate. Right... With that said, I don't think a clean slate is starting he new year with credit debt from the year before.
I often disagree with people saying "I'm going to lose weight", mainly because they do not give a timeline. As a personal trainer it makes me insane when people say they want to lose weight, but have no goal and no timeline. The other part is how people will just jump into a gym membership, go hardcore for 2 weeks and then burn themselves out. Also, like before, without a plan or goal. Sure I am happy when some people stop going to the gym in 3-4 weeks, because it opens more room for myself to workout and do what I have to do to keep my body in shape. I recommend to not make losing weight a goal, but to find something to strive for that you should train for. Train for a mini-marathon, a walk-a-thon, a birthday, holiday anything in which you know there is a timeline and a motivation.
For myself, I plan on challenging myself more this year. Here are list of challenges I have come up with so far.
- Compete in a Triathlon (April,May June one of those months)
- Compete in a mini-marathon (Fall)
- Clean out all credit debt by April
- Be more decisive and follow with my heart more.
To do a Triathlon and Marathon it will challenge me on all levels. Mentally, physically and spiritually with myself. To push my body further and to push myself to the limit while I still can. I live with the N.O.W. (no opportunity wasted) mentality.
Whatever you choose for your resolutions, just remember its always easy to change, easier to quit and not do it, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives if you follow through. Also, one last word of advice for those who are trying to lose weight. Do not try and make your body look like someone else's, because you won't, because of genetics. Just remember you make the best of what you have to work with and be happy with your results and how you look.
posted by Total Core Fitness Bootcamp @ 1/03/2006 12:22:00 PM,
The Author
About This Blog
This blog is the thoughts and ramblings of what goes on in my head. Sometimes it could be modivational and other times it could be complete insanity. Thats the beauty of it all.
Additional Information
I will eventually add more information in here. If you want to get to know me more, follow some of the links. I reccomend reading all the blogs I have linked here.